


Maxi Melt busca crecer en el mercado ibérico
28/05/2024 - En la imagen, Alberto Ortiz (izquierda) y Oriol Güell.De esta manera, Maxi Melt, que ya había trabajado con anterioridad en la península ibérica, donde cuenta con importantes clientes, busca...
RTT System GmbH, mucha producción propia y desarrollo interno
28/05/2024 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">331
Mink Bürsten presenta el cepillo deslizante Mink Slide-Brush
28/05/2024 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">116
La nueva apuesta de Maxi Melt para un trato comercial más cercano
23/05/2024 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">220
TR Fastenings launches new Plas-Tech 30-20 screws to product range
16/05/2024 - TR’s latest product launch of the new Plas-Tech 30-20 screws is an indicator of the company’s determination to increase its range that is currently available in the market.
Inyectora potente de gran tamaño de dos platinas con diseño compacto
17/05/2024 - Roegele Tel.: 93 584 90 00 www.roegele.com La máquina de inyección de gran tamaño duo de...
La final de la competición de jóvenes talentos “Grinder of the Year”, en GrindingHub
- La tecnología de lijado es un trabajo de precisión. El joven de 27 años Fabian Grossmann es uno de los finalistas que competirán por el título de...
Scientists Develop a Reusable Adhesive that Brings us One Step Closer to Spider-Man-Like Abilities
10/05/2024 - Scientists from NTU Singapore have developed a smart, reusable adhesive more than ten times stronger than a geckoâ??s feet adhesion, pointing the way for development of reusable superglue and...
PET wine bottle made by ALPLA cuts carbon emissions by up to 50 per cent
09/05/2024 - Safe, affordable, and sustainable: the plastic packaging specialist ALPLA is launching a recyclable wine bottle made of PET. The bottle weighs approximately only an eighth of a glass bottle,...
Komax, fabricación de extrusoras monohusillo y coextrusoras
07/05/2024 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">
Successful extruder now also available in size 45
07/05/2024 - solEX45Next-generation extruders from battenfeld-cincinnati have long since established...
Guill Features New Rotary Die and Cam Lock Design at NPE
07/05/2024 - Guill Tool, the global leader in extrusion tooling, is set to unveil new, simplified designs for its cam lock feature and rotary die at NPE 2024: The Plastics Show. The show will take place May...
Coperion and Herbold Meckesheim to Present Efficient Recycling Solutions at IFAT 2024
02/05/2024 - At IFAT 2024 (13-17 May, Munich, Germany) Coperion and Herbold Meckesheim will present innovative product and process solutions that make the recycling of plastics markedly more efficient and...
Guill features new rotary die and cam lock design at NPE 2024
01/05/2024 - Guill Tool is set to launch new, simplified designs for its cam lock feature and rotary die at NPE 2024 on 6-10th May 2024 in Orlando, Florida.   ...
Coperion Presents Solutions for Efficient Cable Compounds Production at Wire 2024
15/04/2024 - At wire 2024 (April 15-19, 2024, Düsseldorf/Germany), Coperion is presenting flexible solutions for the efficient production of high-quality compounds for a wide variety of cable...
Can-Eng commissions mesh belt furnace overseas
- Can-Eng Furnaces, Niagara, Ontario,  has commissioned a continuous mesh belt heat-treat system for the production of high-quality automotive fasteners in Italy.This project in the Piedmont...
Revolutionary fiber screw cap reduces plastic – Great Earth is first to market
29/04/2024 - The revolutionary technology developed by sustainability start-up Blue Ocean Closures to reduce plastics in packaging closures is now introduced to the market. The cellulose fiber cap on Great...
Smart Reusable Adhesive Brings Us One Step Closer To Spider-Man
29/04/2024 - Scientists from NTU Singapore have developed a smart, reusable adhesive more than ten times stronger than a gecko’s feet adhesion, pointing the way for development of reusable superglue and...
Flexible Solutions for Efficient Cable Compounds Production
- Stuttgart, Germany, April 2024 – At wire 2024 (April 15-19, 2024, Düsseldorf/Germany) Coperion will present flexible solutions for the efficient production of high-quality compounds...