


Plastic Ingenuity launches online series for packaging professionals
06/06/2024 - Plastic Ingenuity has developed a free online course on Thermoform Circularity as part of its new Good Information continuing education series. × ...
Il caso Bio-on diventa un documentario
06/06/2024 - La proiezione in anteprima dell'inchiesta 'Bio-On Unfair Game' si terrà a Milano il prossimo 13 giugno. 6 giugno 2024 08:42 ...
PHA, Lummus investe in RWDC
06/06/2024 - Il gruppo texano ha partecipato al round di obbligazioni convertibili emesse per costruire un nuovo impianto negli Stati Uniti. 6...
How to Make Ubiquitous Plastics Biodegradable
05/06/2024 - Dirk Tischler was part of an international research team. © RUB, MarquardPolystyrene is made from styrene building blocks and is the most widely used plastic in terms of volume, for...
Wissner processes Re-Wood on CX machines from KraussMaffei
05/06/2024 - Wissner developed a recyclable material called Re-Wood made from 80% regional wood flour and a binder (recycled plastic or biopolymer) using KraussMaffei CX injection moulding machines.
Cupolino moto in tecnopolimero biobased
05/06/2024 - Nell'ultima generazione delle moto Honda da Adventure, il parabrezza è prodotto con Durabio di Mitsubishi Chemical. 5 giugno...
Aimplas impulsa el desarrollo de materiales sostenibles para la construcción
04/06/2024 - La iniciativa, bautizada como BUILD-LIMONENE, e impulsada por Aimplas radica en el desarrollo de nuevos aditivos y materiales biodegradables aplicables al sector de la construcción y con...
@quadpackgroup Envases dip-in en PET reciclado para brillos de labios
04/06/2024 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">133
AIMPLAS avanza en el desarrollo de un sistema metodológico que permita conocer el comportamiento de los bioplásticos biodegradables en el mar
- El proyecto MARINE CYCLE tiene como objetivo generar un sistema metodológico de alta fiabilidad dirigido al estudio de los bioplásticos biodegradables en el medio marino....
Hypetex wins Innovate UK Smart grant for FlaxTex composite
22/05/2024 - Coloring process being applied to carbon fiber. Source |...
Reusable Sulapac® cups introduced in selected Burger King restaurants in Finland
31/05/2024 - © SulapacFinnish restaurant and catering company Restel kicked off a pilot with reusable ‘eco cups’ in selected Burger King and Rax restaurants, which the company operates in Finland....
BPI-certified compostable, touch-free, cutlery & dispenser
- Better Earth (Atlanta, GA, USA) has released its Touch-Free Arrow Cutlery Dispenser and Better Earth Arrow Cutlery Collection. This innovative dispenser is designed for convenience and pairs...
UBQ and Plastcom partner for distribution in Scandinavia
- UBQ Materials (Tel Aviv, Israel), climate tech developer of advanced materials made from waste, recently announced an extended distribution agreement with Plastcom (Nivå, Denmark), a leading...
8th PLA World Congress again a great success
- All about innovation, applications, markets, and end-of-life of PLA was the foundation of a successful 8th PLA World Congress on May 28 and 29.Experts and interested attendees met in Munich,...
Chespa partners with Asahi Photoproducts and Esko for high-quality compostable food packaging
- Chespa, headquartered in Poland (Opole) with numerous sites around Eastern Europe, has partnered with Asahi Photoproducts (Tokyo, Japan) and Esko (Ghent, Belgium). They to introduced its...
Major loan secured for Thai biopolymer production
29/05/2024 - Major loan secured for Thai biopolymer productionBy correspondentUS materials specialist NatureWorks (Minnetonka, Minnesota;
Join the first PEF World Congress in October 2024
28/05/2024 - This event comes at exactly the right time as PEF (polyethylene furanoate) is about to enter the market. The congress addresses in particular the chemical industry, the material sector,...