Biopolimeri da fanghi e rifiuti organici
07/01/2025 -
Avviata in Spagna la prima bioraffineria del progetto Circular Biocarbon. La seconda è in costruzione in Italia. 7 gennaio 2025...
CJ Biomaterials completes trials of new PHACT PHA Grade
21/11/2024 -
CJ Biomaterials has recently completed trials producing straws from the new PHACT PHA compound: CB0400A. This materials helps prevent straws' brittleness and increase their durability while being...
OXMAN Unveils the O° Shoe – a 100% Biodegradable Shoe made without Petrochemicals, producing Zero Microplastics
13/11/2024 -
A wall of shoe prototypes designed at the OXMAN lab over the course of a year. Each shoe features novel combinations of computationally-designed 3D-printed PHA uppers, 3D knit textiles from PHA-based...
Biologisch abbaubare Biopolymere aus Prozesswasser
12/11/2024 -
Die Anlage wird Prozesswasser aus der Verarbeitung von Altpapier nutzen, um Biomasse zu erzeugen, aus der PHA1 extrahiert werden kann. Diese Kreislauflösung liefert einen Rohstoff für...
Development agreement signed for first full-scale PHA biomass plant from paper process water
12/11/2024 -
Brian Oost, Eska’s Head of Operations – Solid Board Business Area, and René Rozendal, Paques Biomaterials’ co-founder, signed the MoU for the first full-scale PHA plant from paper process...
Plans for full-scale PHA biomass plant from paper process water
ESKA and Paques Biomaterials signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the construction of the first full-scale plant for the production of PHA from paper process water. In the coming year,...
PHA dalla lavorazione della carta
12/11/2024 -
Allo studio di ESKA e Paques Biomaterials un impianto per la depurazione delle acque di processo che alimenterà la produzione di bioplastiche. ...
MoU with paperboard producer to build full-scale PHA biomass plant / Start-up slated for 2027
11/11/2024 -
MoU with paperboard producer to build full-scale PHA biomass plant / Start-up slated for 2027â?? By correspondent â?? Dutch biopolymer firm Paques Biomaterials (Balk;...
Responsabile marketing in CJ Biomaterials
05/11/2024 -
Il compito affidato a Leah Ford, proveniente da NatureWorks, sarà quello di aumentare la visibilità dell'azienda e supportarne la crescita nel settore delle bioplastiche. ...
Selezione e riciclo di bioplastiche
21/10/2024 -
Individuare modelli di economia circolare per PLA, PHA e biocompositi è l'obiettivo del progetto di ricerca quadriennale ReBioCycle. ...
Innovador proceso de conversión de metano en plástico biodegradable
15/08/2024 -
Mango Materials convierte el metano en PHA biodegradable, ofreciendo una alternativa a los plásticos convencionales y ayudando a mitigar la contaminación por nitrógeno en sistemas...
Reti da pesca in bioplastica
05/08/2024 -
Un programma di ricerca UE appena completato ha studiato soluzioni volte a ridurre l'inquinamento da plastiche sulla terraferma e in mare. ...
Helian Polymers: First PHA online shop
17/07/2024 -
The company aims to make PHAs widely available to innovative brands, plastic processors, and research institutes transitioning to non-toxic, biodegradable materials and applications. The...
Bioplastics specialist builds PHA pilot plant in the Netherlands / Construction of commercial extraction plant planned
17/07/2024 -
Bioplastics specialist builds PHA pilot plant in the Netherlands / Construction of commercial extraction plant plannedIn Emmen, Netherlands, Paques Biomaterials (El Balk, Netherlands;
First PHA online shop
Helian Polymers (Belfeld, the Netherlands) has launched the first online store for PHAs, a sustainable alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastics, in beta. The company aims to make...
Continuous mixer for mechanical and chemical recycling
15/05/2024 -
(Picture Farrel Pomini) At NPE 2024, Farrel Pomini displayed a...
Lummus Invests in RWDC Industries to Globally Commercialize PHA
06/06/2024 -
Lummus Technology has taken a lead investor position in RWDC Industries' convertible bond round. This further strengthens the partnership between the two companies to bring
Il caso Bio-on diventa un documentario
06/06/2024 -
La proiezione in anteprima dell'inchiesta 'Bio-On Unfair Game' si terrà a Milano il prossimo 13 giugno. 6 giugno 2024 08:42 ...
PHA, Lummus investe in RWDC
06/06/2024 -
Il gruppo texano ha partecipato al round di obbligazioni convertibili emesse per costruire un nuovo impianto negli Stati Uniti. 6...
Stahl joins GO!PHA alliance to advance the use of naturally occurring PHAs in formulated coatings
23/05/2024 -
Stahl (Waalwijk, the Netherlands), a leading provider of speciality coatings and treatments for flexible substrates, has joined the Global Organization for PHA (GO!PHA), a non-profit...
Anche PHA semicristallino nel portafoglio PHACT
09/05/2024 -
La coreana CJ Biomaterials presenta a NPE un ampliamento dell'offerta di bioplastiche a base di poliidrossialcanoato. 9 maggio...