


Reti da pesca in bioplastica
05/08/2024 - Un programma di ricerca UE appena completato ha studiato soluzioni volte a ridurre l'inquinamento da plastiche sulla terraferma e in mare. ...
Finta pelle dai fondi di caffè
02/08/2024 - Allo sviluppo di un materiale potenzialmente biobased sta lavorando una start-up milanese in cerca di partner industriali. 2...
Riprende la corsa delle bioplastiche
13/12/2023 - Secondo le stime dell'associazione European Bioplastics, dopo la stagnazione post-covid, è attesa una ripresa della produzione. Ma l'Europa sarà sempre più marginale. ...
Johnson Matthey’s state-of-the-art technology helps China tackle plastic pollution
20/06/2023 - Shanghai at night © Johnson MattheyJohnson Matthey will provide Fujian Zhongjing Petrochemical Group with butanediol (BDO) technology to produce bio-degradable plastics...
Johnson Matthey to Provide Fujian Zhongjing Its Technology for Bio-degradable Plastics
09/06/2023 - As China accelerates its efforts to phase out single-use plastics in a bid to tackle pollution, Johnson Matthey will provide Fujian Zhongjing Petrochemical Group, with the latest butanediol...
Wanhua Chemical offers diverse solutions for a sustainable future
26/05/2023 - Wanhua Chemical has followed the trend of renewable, recyclable and sustainable development. The leading global supplier of innovative chemical products has launched innovative low-carbon material...
Italian plant manufacturer acquires competitor Conser / Entry into biopolymer sector
27/01/2023 - Italian plant manufacturer acquires competitor Conser / Entry into biopolymer sectorAlessandro Bernini, who has only been managing the plant manufacturer since May 2022, announces his first...
New study by the University of Bayreuth: Biodegradable microplastics in soils cause CO? emissions to rise
24/11/2022 - First author Adina Rauscher at the respicond system.UBT / Chr. Wißler.This is shown by an interdisciplinary study published in “Applied Soil Ecology” by the Collaborative...
LG Chem teams up with TK Chemical to produce biodegradable plastics
- LG Chem has announced that on 10 September, it signed an ‘MOU for Eco-friendly Biodegradable Materials (PBAT) and Business Cooperation’ with TK Chemical, a subsidiary of the Samla Midas (SM)...
Accordo sul PBAT in Corea del Sud
- LG Chem e TK Chemical hanno in progetto di avviare una linea per poliestere biodegradabile nella metà del prossimo anno. 13...
Plans for major complex to produce eco-friendly products by 2028 / PBAT and POE plants to start in 2024 / First exports of bio-based super absorbent polymers
07/09/2021 - Plans for major complex to produce eco-friendly products by 2028 / PBAT and POE plants to start in 2024 / First exports of bio-based super absorbent polymersLG Chem already operates several chemical...
LG Chem investe nelle bioplastiche
- In progetto un nuovo impianto per poliestere biodegradabile PBAT da 50.000 tonnellate annue che potrebbe entrare in funzione nel 2024. ...
SK Global Chemical and Kolon Industries launching biodegradable PBAT plastic - Bio-based News -
22/04/2021 - Kolon Industries and SK Global Chemical Ltd. (both Seoul, South Korea) are cooperating to launch eco-friendly biodegradable plastic product PBAT…Full text:
Acquisition of Invista's aromatic polyester polyols
05/02/2021 - Acquisition of Invista's aromatic polyester polyolsInvistaâ??s Dutch facility in Vlissingen is included in the deal (Photo: Invista)US speciality and intermediate chemicals producer Stepan...