ClickPlastics rundet das Bio Portfolio ab
05/11/2024 -
Neben den schon seit geraumer Zeit erfolgreich vertriebenen biologisch abbaubaren Polymeren PBAT und PBS des langjährigen Partners Hengli, stellt die ClickPlastics AG anlässlich der...
ClickPlastics AG: Neu entwickelte Bio-Compounds als ABS Ersatz
31/10/2024 -
Auf der Fakuma 2024 wird die ClickPlastics AG Bio-Compounds vorstellen, welche ABS (Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol) in verschiedenen Anwendungen ersetzen können. Bio-Compounds bieten...
Biodegradable PBAT/PLA compounds from Sweden / Applications in single-use and food packaging
18/10/2024 -
Biodegradable PBAT/PLA compounds from Sweden / Applications in single-use and food packagingâ?? By staff â?? Sales of the highly filled Biodolomer compounds from Sweden appear to...
Reti da pesca in bioplastica
05/08/2024 -
Un programma di ricerca UE appena completato ha studiato soluzioni volte a ridurre l'inquinamento da plastiche sulla terraferma e in mare. ...
Finta pelle dai fondi di caffè
02/08/2024 -
Allo sviluppo di un materiale potenzialmente biobased sta lavorando una start-up milanese in cerca di partner industriali. 2...
Riprende la corsa delle bioplastiche
13/12/2023 -
Secondo le stime dell'associazione European Bioplastics, dopo la stagnazione post-covid, è attesa una ripresa della produzione. Ma l'Europa sarà sempre più marginale. ...
Johnson Matthey’s state-of-the-art technology helps China tackle plastic pollution
20/06/2023 -
Shanghai at night © Johnson MattheyJohnson Matthey will provide Fujian Zhongjing Petrochemical Group with butanediol (BDO) technology to produce bio-degradable plastics...
Johnson Matthey to Provide Fujian Zhongjing Its Technology for Bio-degradable Plastics
09/06/2023 -
As China accelerates its efforts to phase out single-use plastics in a bid to tackle pollution, Johnson Matthey will provide Fujian Zhongjing Petrochemical Group, with the latest butanediol...
Wanhua Chemical offers diverse solutions for a sustainable future
26/05/2023 -
Wanhua Chemical has followed the trend of renewable, recyclable and sustainable development. The leading global supplier of innovative chemical products has launched innovative low-carbon material...
Italian plant manufacturer acquires competitor Conser / Entry into biopolymer sector
27/01/2023 -
Italian plant manufacturer acquires competitor Conser / Entry into biopolymer sectorAlessandro Bernini, who has only been managing the plant manufacturer since May 2022, announces his first...
New study by the University of Bayreuth: Biodegradable microplastics in soils cause CO? emissions to rise
24/11/2022 -
First author Adina Rauscher at the respicond system.UBT / Chr. Wißler.This is shown by an interdisciplinary study published in “Applied Soil Ecology” by the Collaborative...
LG Chem teams up with TK Chemical to produce biodegradable plastics
LG Chem has announced that on 10 September, it signed an ‘MOU for Eco-friendly Biodegradable Materials (PBAT) and Business Cooperation’ with TK Chemical, a subsidiary of the Samla Midas (SM)...
Accordo sul PBAT in Corea del Sud
LG Chem e TK Chemical hanno in progetto di avviare una linea per poliestere biodegradabile nella metà del prossimo anno. 13...
Plans for major complex to produce eco-friendly products by 2028 / PBAT and POE plants to start in 2024 / First exports of bio-based super absorbent polymers
07/09/2021 -
Plans for major complex to produce eco-friendly products by 2028 / PBAT and POE plants to start in 2024 / First exports of bio-based super absorbent polymersLG Chem already operates several chemical...
LG Chem investe nelle bioplastiche
In progetto un nuovo impianto per poliestere biodegradabile PBAT da 50.000 tonnellate annue che potrebbe entrare in funzione nel 2024. ...
SK Global Chemical and Kolon Industries launching biodegradable PBAT plastic - Bio-based News -
22/04/2021 -
Kolon Industries and SK Global Chemical Ltd. (both Seoul, South Korea) are cooperating to launch eco-friendly biodegradable plastic product PBAT…Full text: