Honeywell si fa in tre
11/02/2025 -
Dopo lo spin-off di Advanced Materials, annunciata anche la separazione delle attività Automation e Aerospace. 11 febbraio 2025...
Dawn Aerospace breaks sound barrier, hypersonic global records
25/11/2024 -
Source | Dawn AerospaceOn Nov. 12,
PAL-V, NLR complete composite rotors for Liberty flying car
02/12/2024 -
Source | PAL-VIn November 2024
GIM GrapheneFibre commences commercial graphene-enriched carbon fiber production
04/12/2024 -
GIM’s Industry 4.0 Gigafactory. Source | GIM...
Caracol, AES forge LFAM-centered partnership
06/12/2024 -
Aerospace megatool by Caracol. Source (All Images) |...
NIAR, SNC partnership to modernize USAF 747-8i aircraft
05/12/2024 -
Source | WSU-NIARWichita State University’s (WSU, Kan., U.S.) National...
Tri-Mack celebrates 50 years of technical problem-solving
11/12/2024 -
Tri-Mack highlights its 500-ton thermoplastic composite...
Sonaca, Aciturri Aerostructures to become single European aviation entity
13/12/2024 -
Source | AciturriOn Dec. 13,
Daher inaugurates Learning Center for training aeronautical talent
20/12/2024 -
Daher Learning Center. Source | DaherDaher (Nantes, France) has inaugurated the Daher Learning Center in Colomiers, near...
VIDEO: Precision fabrication of honeycomb materials
19/12/2024 -
CompositesWorld editors visited the MachineTek LLC (Carlsbad, Calif., U.S.) booth at CAMX...
Via libera UE all'acquisizione del gruppo Barnes
22/01/2025 -
La Commissione europea non vede rischi per la libera concorrenza dal passaggio alla società di private equity Apollo Global Management. ...
PEEK specialist reports significant drop in profits in financial year 2023-24 / Sales slump in medtech segment
09/01/2025 -
PEEK specialist reports significant drop in profits in financial year 2023-24 / Sales slump in medtech segmentâ By staff â High-performance-polymer...
JEC World 2025 is celebrating composite materials
04/01/2025 -
The injection moulding market is on a steady growth path, fueled by rising demand for lightweight materials, sustainable practices, and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies. With applications...
Hegan ofrece su reflexión estratégica sobre el sector aeroespacial para el periodo 2025-2028
El 31 de diciembre, finalizó el anterior periodo estratégico de Hegan y comenzó el siguiente. Con el objetivo de implementar desde el primer día el próximo Plan...
La European Aerospace Cluster Partnership (EACP) celebró su asamblea general en Francia
Ana Villate, directora de Hegan, asistió a la asamblea general anual de la European Aerospace Cluster Partnership (EACP), en la que, en 2024, su anfitrión fue el...
Hegan hace un balance muy positivo de su participación como expositora en Space Tech Expo
Space Tech Expo es un destacado evento europeo de tecnología espacial que tuvo lugar del 19 al 21 de noviembre en Bremen (Alemania). Reflejo de la creciente demanda del sector, esta feria...