


Multimaterial Bonding of Additively Manufactured Carbon Fiber‐Reinforced Thermoplastics/64 Titanium
05/02/2025 - A multimaterial technique for directly bonding carbon‐fiber‐reinforced thermoplastics to titanium alloy substrates is developed using a fused filament fabrication 3D printer, and a maximum shear...
Harnessing 3D Porous Cobalt Oxide Nanoflakes Grown on Metal for Exceptional Adhesion between Aluminum Surfaces and the Epoxy Matrix
13/01/2025 - This study demonstrates the possibility of enhancing the adhesion strength between two metal surfaces by growing 3D porous cobalt oxide nanoflakes on their porous surfaces. In addition, using...
Development of a Novel Processing Route for Dispersoid/Precipitation‐Strengthened High Conductive Copper Alloys by Using Metalized Nanoceramics in Additive Manufacturing
24/12/2024 - This study explores a process chain to produce dispersoid‐strengthened CuCr1Zr for applications requiring high strength and conductivity. Using gas‐atomized powder and copper‐plated alumina...
Impact of human activities on the long-term change and seasonal variability of Ebinur Lake, Northwest China
11/12/2025 - Abstract The Triple Ionosphere PhotoMeter (TRIPM) is a far ultraviolet nadir-view photometer that is onboard the second-generation, polar-orbiting Chinese meteorological satellite...
Separation of the ionospheric and thermospheric contributions in the data from the Triple Ionosophere PhotoMeter onboard the Feng-Yun 3E satellite
01/12/2025 - Abstract Purpose of Review Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) has been found to increase en bloc and R0 resection as well...
Structure‐Induced Energetic Coordination Compounds as Additives for Laser Initiation Primary Explosives
09/12/2024 - Energetic coordination compounds (ECCs) are first used as additives to lead azide (LA) to design laser ignition primary explosives. These laser‐sensitive mixed composites exhibit remarkable...
Impact of Infill Density and Glass Fiber Reinforcement on the Compressive and Bending Strength of Acrylonitrile Butadiene 3D‐Printed Corrugated Sandwich Panels
27/11/2024 - This study introduces a novel approach in additive manufacturing for creating high‐strength, lightweight corrugated sandwich panels with acrylonitrile butadiene styrene‐reinforced by glass...
Sixty Years of Mechanical Alloying—Past Achievements, Current Challenges, and Future Prospects
20/11/2024 - Mechanical alloying is a fast?growing materials processing technique to synthesize metastable phases with immense potential. Oxide?dispersion?strengthened alloys for aerospace and high?temperature...
Aerospace, Vol. 11, Pages 952: A Fully Autonomous On-Board GNC Methodology for Small-Body Environments Based on CNN Image Processing and MPCs
19/11/2024 - The increasing need for autonomy in space exploration missions is becoming more and more relevant in the design of missions to small bodies. The long communication latencies and sensitivity of the...
Aerospace, Vol. 11, Pages 954: Design and Verification of Continuous Tube Forming Process Parameters for PEEK-Based Rod Aimed at Space Manufacturing Applications
20/11/2024 - To meet the in-orbit construction needs of super-large spacecraft for ultra-long rod structures, this paper proposes an innovative on-orbit roll forming method for polyetheretherketone (PEEK)-based...
Aerospace, Vol. 11, Pages 953: Research on Check-In Baggage Flow Prediction for Airport Departure Passengers Based on Improved PSO-BP Neural Network Combination Model
20/11/2024 - Accurate forecasting of passenger checked baggage traffic is crucial for efficient and intelligent allocation and optimization of airport service resources. A systematic analysis of the influencing...
Aerospace, Vol. 11, Pages 956: Electrodynamic Attitude Stabilization of a Spacecraft in an Elliptical Orbit
20/11/2024 - One of the fundamental problems of spacecraft dynamics related to ensuring its angular orientation in the basic coordinate system is considered. The problem of electrodynamic attitude control for a...
Aerospace, Vol. 11, Pages 957: Recycling Space Beverage Packaging into LDPE-Based Composite Materials
21/11/2024 - Long-term space missions require c6areful resource management and recycling strategies to overcome the limitations of resupply missions. In this study, we investigated the potential to recycle space...
Aerospace, Vol. 11, Pages 960: Bayesian Identification of High-Performance Aircraft Aerodynamic Behaviour
21/11/2024 - In this paper, nonlinear system identification using Bayesian network has been implemented to discover open-loop lateral-directional aerodynamic model parameters of an agile aircraft using a grey box...
Aerospace, Vol. 11, Pages 959: Longitudinal Motion System Identification of a Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Limited Unplanned Flight Data
21/11/2024 - Acquiring knowledge of aircraft flight dynamics is crucial for simulation, control, mission performance and safety assurance analysis. In the fast-paced UAV market, long flight testing campaigns are...
Aerospace, Vol. 11, Pages 955: Dual-Frequency Multi-Constellation Global Navigation Satellite System/Inertial Measurements Unit Tight Hybridization for Urban Air Mobility Applications
20/11/2024 - A global navigation satellite system (GNSS) for remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPASs) positioning is essential, thanks to the worldwide availability and continuity of this technology in the...
Mechanical and Tribological Performance of Epoxy Composites Reinforced with YSZ Waste Ceramics for Sustainable Green Engineering Applications
20/11/2024 - The growing need for sustainable materials in engineering applications has led to increased interest in the use of waste-derived ceramics as reinforcing fillers in polymer composites. This study...
Polytetrafluoroethylene composites with a novel combination of reinforcing filler and solid lubricant and study of their tribological and thermo?mechanical properties for dynamic applications
20/11/2024 - PTFE composites for dynamic seal applications.In the present work, the tribological as well as thermo?mechanical properties of glass?filled and carbon?filled PTFE composites are investigated. Solid...
Graphene-reinforced metal matrix composites produced by high-pressure torsion: a review
16/11/2024 - Abstract The growing demand for lightweight and high-strength materials in the aerospace and automotive industries, as well as the need for highly conductive materials such as...
Aerospace, Vol. 11, Pages 943: Optimization of Thermal Management for the Environmental Worthiness Design of Aviation Equipment Using Phase Change Materials
15/11/2024 - A phase change materials (PCM)-based heat sink is an effective way to cool intermittent high-power electronic devices in aerospace applications such as airborne electronics and aircraft external...
Aerospace, Vol. 11, Pages 944: Impact of Target Surface Building Direction on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Additive Manufactured Impingement Systems
15/11/2024 - Additive manufacturing (AM) is widely recognized as a prominent tool to maximize the potential of internal cooling systems for gas turbine applications. Several past studies have been undertaken in...