


Due nuove linee film in Hipac
09/01/2025 - Ampliata la capacità produttiva di film prestirato in bassi spessori nello stabilimento di Cazzago San Martino. 9 gennaio 2025...
Production of stretch film with recycled content
09/01/2025 - Production line with Gneuss RSFgenius filtration system in EuropeAs...
Crecen las películas de alta barrera para envasado de alimentos
08/01/2025 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">227
Irplast investe nei film monomateriale
07/01/2025 - Una nuova linea fornita da Brückner sarà installata nello stabilimento di Atessa, in Abruzzo, con capacità di 25mila tonnellate annue. ...
Meno gel nei film con riciclato
07/01/2025 - Sviluppo congiunto di Colines, ExxonMobil Signature Polymers e Gneuss per migliorare la qualità degli estensibili contenenti materiale rigenerato. ...
Tomra ayuda a Bakcycle en el reciclaje de envases
30/12/2024 - Bakcycle Recycling es una empresa pionera en Turquía, donde lleva operando en el sector de los envases desde hace más de 50 años. Su actividad recicladora la inició a finales...
Sustainable Film for Pet Food Packaging
24/12/2024 - Photo: ©BerryBerry Global Group, Inc. and VOID Technologies announce their successful...
Comienza el proyecto POLYMEER que transformará el bagazo de cerveza en bioplásticos de alto valor
- El proyecto, financiado por Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking del programa Horizonte Europa, contempla el uso de estos bioplásticos como films agrícolas, textiles para...
Japanese TOPPAN Holding Acquires Sonoco’s Thermoforming Business
23/12/2024 - TOPPAN Holdings Inc.  has entered into an agreement with Sonoco Products Company, a global leader in high-value sustainable packaging, to acquire Sonoco’s Thermoformed & Flexible...
Terzo maxi-deal nel packaging in 30 giorni
20/12/2024 - Sonoco si accorda per cedere la divisione Thermoformed & Flexible Packaging al gruppo giapponese Toppan. 20 dicembre 2024...
Italian manufacturer of flexible packaging takes over Serbian competitor Papir Print
20/12/2024 - Italian manufacturer of flexible packaging takes over Serbian competitor Papir Print— By staff — Flexible packaging manufacturer Inn-Flex (San Giovanni Al Natisone,...
EU introduces Flight Emissions Label for more informed and sustainable travelling
18/12/2024 - European Commission Press release Brussels, 18 Dec 2024 Today, the Commission adopted a Regulation putting in place a Flight Emissions Label (FEL), which offers a clear and trustworthy methodology...
UPM Raflatac announces further progress towards Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Global Commitment
17/12/2024 - UPM Raflatac has made further progress towards a more circular economy for plastics and a future beyond fossils during 2023. The progress towards the 2025 commitments is detailed in the...
Italian additive manufacturer buys competitor Polichem
18/12/2024 - Italian additive manufacturer buys competitor Polichem— By staff — The Greenchemicals headquarters in Desio, Italy (Photo: Greenchemicals)Additive...
Algenesis Corporation Awarded USDA Certified Biobased Product Label
16/12/2024 - © AlgenesisAlgenesis (Cardiff, CA, USA) Corporation has earned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified Biobased Product Label for its biodegradable Soleic® TPU and polyol...