


Thomriss: lujosos envases cosméticos gracias a Wittmann
21/01/2025 - Tomaz dos Santos es el propietario y director ejecutivo de Thomriss, un importante fabricante brasileño de envases cosméticos. Para lograr producir envases con...
Reimagining skin care: How bio-based succinic acid could transform cosmetics
18/12/2024 - In response, Professor Huimin Zhao, a biochemical engineering expert at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), has pioneered a…Full text:
Mespack and Amcor launch a recycle-ready 2 litre stand-up pouch for the home care industry
04/11/2024 - Mespack and Amcor have joined forces to create a recycle-ready 2L stand-up pouch designed for home care products like soaps, cleaners and laundry detergent. They provide a more sustainable option...
Concluye con éxito la fusión de Texen y Quadpack
31/10/2024 - De este modo, y como parte de este proceso, Quadpack Industries SA dejará de cotizar en el futuro en el mercado de valores Euronext Growth de París.Con esta operación,...
Innovación y versatilidad en color con los pigmentos de efecto de Ruicheng
- Los pigmentos de efecto de Ruicheng son reconocidos por su capacidad para transformar productos comunes en verdaderas obras de arte visuales, ofreciendo colores vibrantes y efectos únicos...
Meet PiovanGroup in Jakarta
27/09/2024 - From 9 to 12 of October, PiovanGroup with its brands Piovan and Thermal Care will be exhibiting at ALLPacK Indonesia 2024 exhibition that will take place at in the JIExpo in Jakarta, Indonesia....
Antares Vision Group to debut serialisation station for pharma bottles
18/09/2024 - Antares Vision Group, a technological partner in the digitalisation of products and supply chains for companies and institutions, will introduce a new traceability solution for...
ALPLA and zerooo create first reusable PET bottle for cosmetic products
02/09/2024 - The reusable and fully recyclable plastic packaging is available in three colours and is suitable for all caps. © ALPLAzerooo is now producing reusable PET packaging for bathroom and...
Supply of recyclable PET bottles with codes to German cosmetics start-up / Müller, Sodasan, others to join system soon
27/08/2024 - Supply of recyclable PET bottles with codes to German cosmetics start-up / Mà¼ller, Sodasan, others to join system soonBy staffGerman start-up Sea Me (Hamburg;
Flacone in PET riutilizzabile per cosmetica
22/08/2024 - Sviluppato da Alpla e zerooo, è idoneo per i sistemi di deposito su cauzione e, al termine della vita utile, può essere facilmente riciclato. ...
ALPLA and zerooo create reusable PET bottle for cosmetic products
21/08/2024 - Packaging and recycling specialist ALPLA and zerooo initiator SEA ME GmbH have developed a reusable PET packaging for cosmetics and care products.
Unión de Quadpack y Texen
15/07/2024 - Quadpack Industries y PSB Industries han anunciado un acuerdo para unir Quadpack y Texen, principal filial de PSB, en un solo grupo. De este modo, los dos...