


Palm oil imports to the European Union continue to dwindle 
09/01/2025 - In the period 1 July 2024 to 10 December 2024, the EU-27 imported just less than 1.4 million tonnes of palm oil, which represents a 16 per cent decrease on the same period in 2023....
B’ZEOS Secures Seed Round and Strategic Partnerships! 
09/01/2025 - © B’ZEOSWe are thrilled to announce that B’ZEOS, a European blue-tech innovation company, has successfully closed our seed round led by Faber, with participation from ICIG...
LVF Packaging urges the industry to switch to clear rPET Mono
09/01/2025 - Daniel Coates, Business Development Director at LVF Packaging, discusses the benefits of rPET Mono, calling for an industry-wide adoption.
Directrices de diseño de EPBP para botellas PET en contacto con productos no alimentarios
09/01/2025 - La EPBP (European PET Bottle Platform) es una iniciativa que proporciona directrices de diseño de botellas de PET para el reciclaje,...
Eurobarometer survey shows strong support for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
09/01/2025 - European Commission Press release Brussels, 09 Jan 2025 According to the latest Eurobarometer survey, support for the EU's common agricultural policy (CAP) has reached an all-time high. The level of...
Due nuove linee film in Hipac
09/01/2025 - Ampliata la capacità produttiva di film prestirato in bassi spessori nello stabilimento di Cazzago San Martino. 9 gennaio 2025...
Production of stretch film with recycled content
09/01/2025 - Production line with Gneuss RSFgenius filtration system in EuropeAs...
CtoC de Efebé restaura mobiliario escolar con tapones y botellas
08/01/2025 - El proyecto Consumer to Consumer CtoC nace de la propuesta de una escuela a Grup Efebé, empresa experta en diseño, adecuación, equipamiento y...
Crecen las películas de alta barrera para envasado de alimentos
08/01/2025 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">227
Aimplas presenta más de 70 acciones formativas en su oferta para la primera mitad de 2025
07/01/2025 - Aimplas, Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico, ha lanzado su oferta formativa para la primera mitad del año 2025, disponible a través de su plataforma Plastics...
Joint venture with French reconditioner Duo Emballages
08/01/2025 - Joint venture with French reconditioner Duo Emballages— By staff — Preparation of IBCs (Photo: Duo Emballages)German manufacturer of industrial...
Biopolimeri da fanghi e rifiuti organici
07/01/2025 - Avviata in Spagna la prima bioraffineria del progetto Circular Biocarbon. La seconda è in costruzione in Italia. 7 gennaio 2025...
Irplast investe nei film monomateriale
07/01/2025 - Una nuova linea fornita da Brückner sarà installata nello stabilimento di Atessa, in Abruzzo, con capacità di 25mila tonnellate annue. ...