Circular Economy


Circular Economy

Environmental Factors Affecting Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Crop-Exploiting Species: Implications for Coexistence Between Agricultural Production and Avifauna Conservation in Wetlands
- Bird communities in agroecosystems bring both ecosystem services (e.g., pollination) and disservices (e.g., crop exploitation) to farmers. However, in the proximity of wetland reserves, farmers...
Assessing eco-label knowledge and sustainable consumption behavior in energy sector of Pakistan: an environmental sustainability paradigm
11/01/2023 - The energy needs of Pakistan have increased many folds in recent years due to improved lifestyle, ever-increasing population, and economic development. Though the government and private sectors...
Sustainable preservation of cheese: Advanced technologies, physicochemical properties and sensory attributes
01/11/2022 - BackgroundCheese preservation has become a major issue for the global cheese industry due to microbial spoilage and the effects of chemical preservatives on human health. Consumer health and...
Eco-Labeling and Retailer Pricing Strategies: The U.K. Haddock Market
11/05/2018 - In attempts to differentiate their store imagery, grocery retailers frequently introduce new products, which are often rich in extrinsic attributes such as claims regarding healthiness and...
A knowledge base with modularized ontologies for eco-labeling: Application for laundry detergents
01/06/2018 - Along with the rising concern of environmental performance, eco-labeling is becoming more and more popular. However, the complex process of eco-labeling is demotivating manufacturers and service...