Circular Economy


Circular Economy

Vitol agrees to acquire 66.84% of plastics recycling company WPU
16/01/2025 - Vitol B.V. (“Vitol”) has entered into a conditional agreement to acquire a controlling interest in Waste Plastic Upcycling A/S (“WPU”). On completion, which is subject to certain...
Vitol: Rohstoffkonzern übernimmt dänischen Recycler WPU
16/01/2025 - Der internationale Rohstoffkonzern Vitol übernimmt die Kontrolle über das dänische Recyclingunternehmen Waste Plastic Upcycling A/S (WPU). Laut
ALPLA on a growth trajectory
16/01/2025 - ALPLA continued its growth trajectory in 2024 with new products, plants, business areas, acquisitions and a focus on training skilled workers. The international packaging and recycling specialist...
Resol desarrolla una línea de productos con plástico reciclado
16/01/2025 -  Imagen de la Página Oficial del Govern.La empresa catalana Resol (Resinas Olot) ha desarrollado una nueva línea de mobiliario urbano para exteriores a partir de...
Lidl brings yoghurt pots with recycled PS content to the market
17/01/2025 - Lidl brings yoghurt pots with recycled PS content to the market— By staff — Supermarket chain Lidl (Bad Wimpfen, Germany;, which belongs to the Schwarz...
@anape_eps Entrevista a Raquel López de la Banda, directora de Anape
16/01/2025 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">207
Dalla Francia rPP per l'auto
16/01/2025 - Skytech sta introducendo sul mercato nuovi gradi di polipropilene con contenuto di riciclato fino al 100% per applicazioni di upcycling. ...
Avvicendamento in Tomra Recycling
16/01/2025 - Volker Rehrmann lascia la direzione della divisione del gruppo norvegese alla fine di maggio. Sarà sostituito da Katrin Fricke. ...
Glasdon gana el premio Green Apple a la innovación en productos reciclados
- El prestigioso galardón fue concedido a la gama de papeleras y contenedores de reciclaje Origin™ de Glasdon.Glasdon ha obtenido el Premio Green Apple 2024 en la...
Objetivos de sostenibilidad de la industria del EPS
- En la actualidad, tanto cumplir con la legislación obligatoria como incorporar una filosofía voluntaria de sostenibilidad supone un dificilísimo reto para todas las empresas en general y para...
Rebel Fuels launches to transform waste CO2 into carbon-neutral fuels
15/01/2025 - Rebel Fuels Inc., a Delaware Public Benefit Corporation, announced today its launch to address climate change through innovative carbon recycling technology. The company aims to...
Ace Green Recycling, a Global Leader in Battery Recycling Technology, to Become a Public Company
15/01/2025 - Ace’s innovative modular battery recycling platform is designed to minimize battery waste and retain critical battery materials of strategic...
Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Six Innovations are Nominated
- The use of leaves for cellulose pulp and packaging, seaweed as a feedstock for biosynthetic fibres, plant-based surface material for car interiors and much more – The award nominees are as diverse...
Pour une consigne pour recyclage en Belgique
15/01/2025 - > Alors que, hasard du calendrier, le festival belge de musique électronique Tomorrowland écope d'une amende de 727 000 euros pour avoir distribué des gobelets en...
Revenues climb 4% in 2024 / Plans to double output recycling capacity to 700,000 t by 2030
15/01/2025 - Revenues climb 4% in 2024 / Plans to double output recycling capacity to 700,000 t by 2030— By Marilyn Gerlach — Alpla CEO Philipp Lehner (Photo: Alpla)Austrian plastic...
Emirates Biotech presenta innovaciones sostenibles en ArabPlast 2025
15/01/2025 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">201
Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Six Innovations are Nominated  
14/01/2025 - It is getting exciting again in Cologne on 12 and 13 March for the cellulose fibres industry. Six new products have been nominated for the popular innovation award. The jury has...
A Step Forward in Recycling: The RECLAIM Project and Its Innovative Equipment for Plastic Waste
14/01/2025 - © AIMPLASThe RECLAIM  project has brought to life an innovative and sustainable solution: a portable robotic system designed for...
ACCIONA Energía instala un sistema de almacenamiento con baterías en la Planta Fotovoltaica Extremadura I-II-III
- ACCIONA Energía ha iniciado la instalación de un nuevo sistema de almacenamiento con baterías recicladas de vehículos eléctricos en su planta fotovoltaica Extremadura I-II-III, ubicada en...
Advancing PCR plastics processing: real-time insights and collaborative solutions
13/01/2025 - How do you manufacture consistent, high-quality parts from materials that behave unpredictably? This is a critical question for manufacturers integrating post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastics into...