


CarbonCure Reveals Groundbreaking Carbon Utilization Collaboration in Saudi Arabia with Abdin and Gulf Cryo
18/12/2024 - © 2024 CarbonCure Technologies Inc. Convened by the Saudi Ministry of Energy, CarbonCure Technologies and two other companies have announced new agreements to integrate carbon...
Germany: SPIE installs the world’s first industrial-scale CCU facility for a cement plant
11/12/2024 - Rendering der CCU-Anlage © SPIESPIE, the independent European leader in multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communications, is installing the world’s...
Breakthrough in capturing ‘hot’ CO2 from industrial exhaust
03/12/2024 - Water vapor emerging from cooling towers at an industrial plant. Water is used to cool exhaust gases to a temperature at which carbon capture is possible with aqueous amines. A new UC Berkeley...
Cement Co-processing of End-of-Life Composites Avoids up to 1 Ton of CO2 Emissions Per Ton Processed
09/10/2024 - Our nine industry associations1 have commissioned SGS INTRON to prepare a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) report exploring the environmental impacts of treating End-of-Life (EoL) composites by...
Providing A Complete Range Of Solutions For The Construction Industry
07/11/2024 - Following Tyrolit’s recent launch of a new Floor Grinding & Preparation range earlier in the year, existing Tyrolit customer Core Cut Ltd were keen to learn more about the product...
ExxonMobil announces licensing agreement to expand GFRP rebar processing tech
06/11/2024 - GFRP Gatorbar. Source | Neuvokas Corp.ExxonMobil (Houston,...
Uso de materiales basados en CO2 en la construcción
- El aumento del dióxido de carbono, CO2, en la atmósfera por las emisiones antropológicas está favoreciendo al progresivo desarrollo de problemas a nivel mundial como el cambio...
Crocco vara un nuovo piano di welfare
20/11/2024 - Il produttore di imballaggi flessibili ha introdotto un bonus bebè, borse di studio per i figli dei dipendenti e un'assicurazione sulla vita. ...
Tondo da cemento in composito
08/11/2024 - ExxonMobil ha ottenuto i diritti di licenza fuori dal Nord America per la tecnologia brevettata dalla statunitense Neuvokas. 8...
The Role of Voluntary Carbon Credit Markets in Supporting CCUS
06/11/2024 - In voluntary carbon markets, corporates or individuals set climate targets and voluntarily purchase carbon credits from environmental projects that can reduce or remove carbon dioxide...
CRH Ventures launches Sustainable Building Materials Accelerator
06/11/2024 - CRH Ventures today announced the launch of its third accelerator programme, Sustainable...
This inventive brutalist lamp is actually made out of bacteria-based concrete
22/10/2024 - This brutalist lamp has a hidden material innovation you won’t notice at first glance. The Gathering Lamp, which launched early…Full text:
KiMuRa project welcomes composites manufacturers to join recycling effort
19/07/2024 - Source (All Images)The KiMuRa project...
Sneak Peek: CPI Survey Unveils Positive Polyurethane Production Across North America
06/09/2024 - WASHINGTON (September 9, 2024) – The Center for the Polyurethanes...
Cast Concrete Mould Tools
30/07/2024 - Norco Composites & GRP partnered with Patterns and Moulds (P&M) to undertake a time-sensitive project for the Ellison Institute of Transformative Medicine (EITM). This project involved...
Urban concrete mines
15/08/2024 - Calcium carbonate brick (on the right) compared to a regular brick (on the left). The new brick can be manufactured with a high density, compressive strength, tensile strength and Young’s...
Inaugurado el paso peatonal y de bicicletas de padre Claret en Valladolid, construido por OHLA
14/08/2024 - OHLA refuerza su compromiso con el desarrollo de infraestructuras con impacto positivo en las personas con la inauguración, en Valladolid, del paso peatonal y de bicicletas entre las calles...
Rohrdorfer starts ethylene production from carbon dioxide
07/08/2024 - The projekt team „CO2 to ethylene“. From left to right: Alexander Lechner, Raphael Gratzl, Dr. Alexander Beck, Dr. Katharina Mairhofer, Pia Hillinger, Thomas Mairegger, Dr. Philipp Stadler, Dr....
Recycling cement paste – a cheap and efficient way to curb emissions
24/07/2024 - Recycling cement paste is one of the cheapest and most efficient ways to reduce emissions from cement production, a
Fijación de grúas suspendidas a suelos de hormigón armado
18/07/2024 - Para las empresas que requieran un elemento de unión adecuado para fijar su instalación de grúa en la nave, ABUS Grúas dispone de una gran variedad de sistemas de...