


Se dan a conocer los 20 finalistas de los “JEC Composites Startup Booster 2025”
20/01/2025 - En tan solo ocho años, JEC Composites Startup Booster se ha consolidado como un referente mundial en materia de emprendimiento en la industria de los composites en 2025....
La conferencia 2025 de ECP4 abordará la circularidad de polímeros y composites
14/01/2025 - La Plataforma Europea de Transformación de Composites, Plásticos y Polímeros (ECP4) ha anunciado su próxima conferencia anual, que tendrá lugar el 14 de mayo en...
Mastercam strengthens regional support in the US with Fastech acquisition
06/01/2025 - In spring, JEC World will open its doors to its new session. Well known worldwide as the leading trade exhibition for composite materials and their applications, this 60th session promises to be the...
Las Sesiones Técnicas de SAMPE se celebrarán en el marco de JEC World
13/01/2025 - Tras unir fuerzas durante muchos años para crear la Paris Composites Week anual, combinando la SAMPE Europe Summit (3 de marzo) y JEC World (del 4 al 6 de marzo), el evento líder...
JEC World 2025 is celebrating composite materials
04/01/2025 - The injection moulding market is on a steady growth path, fueled by rising demand for lightweight materials, sustainable practices, and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies. With applications...
Packaging manufacturer expands beverage carton recycling in the Netherlands
03/01/2025 - Packaging manufacturer expands beverage carton recycling in the Netherlands— By staff —Supplier of composite carton solutions and filling machines Tetra Pak...
Uso de la cáscara de huevo en la industria plástica
27/12/2024 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">278
Las filiales del Grupo Mapal en Italia y en Polonia nombran nuevos directores generales
- Se han cubierto cargos importantes en el Grupo Mapal, representado en España por Ayma Herramientas: Conrado Couto Diniz ha sido nombrado nuevo director general para la filial italiana de...
Materiali per compositi più cari a gennaio
20/12/2024 - Incertezza, aumento delle materie prime e dazi sulle importazioni alla base della decisione di Polynt di aumentare i prezzi delle resine termoindurenti. ...
Secondo mandato per il presidente del WPC
18/12/2024 - Benny Mermans di Chevron Phillips Chemical rieletto alla guida dell'organizzazione che rappresenta a livello globale i produttori di materie plastiche. ...
Global bioplastics market set to more than double by 2029
10/12/2024 - A new partnership between Caracol and AES promises to transform Aerospace & Defense manufacturing, blending advanced robotic 3D printing with deep industry expertise to tackle complex...
Dai compositi alla guida dei giovani imprenditori
13/12/2024 - Stefano Peroni di CBS - Advanced Composites eletto presidente del Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori di Confindustria Alto Milanese. 13...
How composites are advancing wide diameter tube development
05/12/2024 - Lauri Turunen, product manager for tubes at Exel Composites, explores the versatility of wide tubes, how new materials are outperforming traditional ones, and where the future of tubes is heading.
UK plastics group to sell composites unit to KPS for EUR 1.7 bn
04/12/2024 - UK plastics group to sell composites unit to KPS for EUR 1.7 bnUK plastics group to sell composites unit to KPS for EUR 1.7 bn— By staff — Subject to regulatory...
AGI lleva la impresión 3D a Advanced Manufacturing Madrid 2024
02/12/2024 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">183
Soluciones y mercados para la automatización y la robótica, ponencia de Arnau Ramo de STÄUBLI en las Jornadas IMHE 50 Aniversario
- Arnau Ramo de STÄUBLI presenta las diversas soluciones que STÄUBLI aporta a los diferentes mercados en el campo de la robótica y la automatización. Se presentan varias...
JEC World 2025 celebrará 60 años de innovación bajo el lema “Superando los límites”
02/12/2024 - JEC World abrirá sus puertas a su nueva edición en 2025, una edición de celebración. Conocida mundialmente como la feria profesional líder en materiales...
Enhancing compatibility and biodegradability of PLA/biomass composites
- New torrefaction approach improves mechanical properties and decomposition rate of PLA composites.With an increasing focus on environmental sustainability, researchers are seeking ways to...
Researchers Develop Cellulose-MXene Composites
08/10/2024 - Reviewed by Danielle Ellis, B.Sc.Oct 8 2024Researchers from the University of Bayreuth and Nanjing Forestry University combine the remarkable properties of MXene, a family of...
Optimizing CO2 Capture with Metatitanic Acid/?-Al2O3 Aerogel Composite
14/10/2024 - By Dr. Noopur JainReviewed by Lexie CornerOct 14 2024In a recent article published in
New Method for Creating Highly Luminescent Nanoparticles
22/10/2024 - Reviewed by Lexie CornerOct 22 2024The Chinese researchers, under the direction of Professor Yuqiang Jiang of the Chinese Academy of...