Fire Retardants in Plastics North America - 2023
Del 26/04/2023 al 27/04/2023 -
Exploring trends and technical developments in the international fire retardant industry
Fire Resistance in Plastics - 2023
Del 20/11/2023 al 22/11/2023 -
Discover the latest developments in fire retardant technologies
Fire Retardants in Plastics - 2022
Del 26/04/2022 al 27/04/2022 -
Exploring trends and technical developments in the international fire retardant industry
Fire Resistance in Plastics Europe - 2022
Del 28/11/2022 al 30/11/2022 -
Discover the latest developments in fire retardant technologies
AIMPLAS | ONLINE EVENT - Fire Retardant Plastics Conference: Future Trends and Circularity
14/10/2021 -
A new edition of the Fire-Retardant plastic conference is coming, organised by PINFA and AIMPLAS, this time online.The aim of the conference is to present the latest advances and...
AIMPLAS | EVENTO ONLINE - Fire Retardant Plastics Conference: Future Trends and Circularity
14/10/2021 -
Llega una nueva edición de la Fire-Retardant plastic conference, organizada por PINFA y AIMPLAS, esta vez en formato online.La jornada tiene como objetivo dar a conocer los últimos...
Non-Halogenated Flame Retardants Workshop
Non-Halogenated Flame Retardants Workshop
Non-Halogenated Flame Retardants Workshop
Non-Halogenated Flame Retardants Workshop
Fire Resistance in Plastics Virtual Summit - 2021
Del 23/02/2021 al 25/02/2021 -
Discover the latest developments in fire retardant technologies
Fire Retardants in Plastics North America - 2021
Del 04/05/2021 al 05/05/2021 -
Exploring trends and technical developments in the international flame retardant industry
Fire Retardants in Plastics North America - 2020
Del 31/03/2020 al 01/04/2020 -
Exploring trends and technical developments in the international flame retardant industry
Fire Retardants in Plastics - Cleveland, Ohio - USA - 2020
Del 31/03/2020 al 01/04/2020 -
Exploring trends and technical developments in the international flame retardant industry
Fire Retardants in Plastics - 2020
Del 31/03/2020 al 01/04/2020 -
Exploring trends and technical developments in the international flame retardant industry
Fire Retardants in Plastics - 2019
Del 02/04/2019 al 03/04/2019 -
Exploring trends and technical developments in the international flame retardant industry
Fire Resistance in Plastics - 2018
Del 10/12/2018 al 12/12/2018 -
Benefiting from advances in fire retardant additives, compounds and applications