Medical plastics extrusion market on the rise
17/02/2025 -
What if 3D printing could be faster, more efficient, and more precise — all thanks to holograms? Researchers at EPFL and SDU have developed a groundbreaking technique that uses 3D holographic...
Insulation specialist to sell Glass Reinforcements division to Praana Group for EUR 724 mn
18/02/2025 -
Insulation specialist to sell Glass Reinforcements division to Praana Group for EUR 724 mnâ By staff â The facilities of the Global Glass Reinforcements division...
Bio? Synthetic? Well, which is it?
14/02/2025 -
Biosynthetic Fibres © nova-Institute 2024Since the 2000s, the term “biosynthetics” has been used to describe synthetic fibers of biological origin. To defossilise the textile...
JEC World contará con cuatro “Villages” y un área de demostración en directo
17/02/2025 -
Inspirar innovación, compartir conocimientos y destacar lo mejor de la innovación son siempre los objetivos fundamentales de JEC World, particularmente en esta edición de...
Neue Additive vergrößern Marktpotenzial von Biopolymeren
13/02/2025 -
Freuen sich über den erfolgreichen Abschluss des gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekts (v.l.n.r.): Andreas Eisenhut, Laborleiter bei Polytives, OIiver Eckardt, Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Polytives,...
New additives increase the market potential of biopolymers
13/02/2025 -
Happy about the successful completion of the joint research project (from left to right): Andreas Eisenhut, Laboratory Manager at Polytives, OIiver Eckardt, Founder and Managing Director of...
Threaded insert CAD models now available in online catalogue
12/02/2025 -
As this year’s partner country, Spain is set to showcase its dynamic and rapidly growing additive manufacturing (AM) sector at Formnext 2025. With a strong presence of innovative exhibitors and...
LG Chem pronta con l'acido acrilico biobased
13/02/2025 -
Il gruppo coreano avvierà la produzione entro metà anno per fornire i primi prodotti per test e sviluppo applicativo. 13...
Onshape’s CAM Studio enhances manufacturing efficiency
11/02/2025 -
Koller Formenbau increases the performance and process reliability of its Cheto IXN 3000 travelling column deep-hole drilling and milling centre with the Nano Coolant cooling lubricant — with...
Nano cooling lubricant boosts Cheto deep-hole drilling and milling centre at Koller
11/02/2025 -
Bioplastics are increasingly being used for components in industrial products. Examples include components from the automotive sector, the electronics industry and the construction industry. However,...
@nortpalet Naeco Fibers, una nueva división del Grupo Naeco que continúa impulsando la economía circular
11/02/2025 -
ACC’s Panel Issues Statement on EPA’s Final Risk Evaluation for DINP Under TSCA
TAGS: PVC, Plasticizers and Sustainability ...
High-performance materials for FGF 3D printing
10/02/2025 -
The first UK-built large format hybrid 3D printer is due to be unveiled later in February. Rapid Fusion, which has enjoyed significant success with its Apollo and Zeus additive manufacturing cells,...
Innovative lightweight solutions for composite components
07/02/2025 -
In 2024, the 3D printing space saw challenges and slower growth, with several prominent materials players exiting the industry. In the long-term, there are still key trends within the additive...
Lati compie 80 anni e diventa marchio storico
10/02/2025 -
Riconoscimento al compounder varesino di materie plastiche fondato nel 1945 da Cosimo Conterno. 10 febbraio 2025 08:41 ...
Avient: New Non-Fluorine Concentrates for Polyester Textiles
10/02/2025 -
vient Launches Non-Fluorine Anti-Stain...
Envalora y Teimas colaboran para facilitar a los gestores de residuos el aporte de información al Scrap
07/02/2025 -
Construction begins for UMaine sustainability research facility
25/11/2024 -
A rendering of the GEM interior. Source | University of Maine...
Harper successfully commissions two carbon fiber lines in China
25/11/2024 -
Source | Harper InternationalHarper International (Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.) has successfully...
This holiday season's creative gift list for composites industry pros
29/11/2024 -
Source | Getty ImagesChristmas is a holiday with a rich...
Midwest Composites earns Japan’s MakiChalle Business Competition grand prize
04/12/2024 -
Midwest Composites highlights some of the natural...