


Researchers use Carbon Nanotubes to Prevent Cracking in Multilayered Composites
- TAGS:  Polymer Reinforcement    MIT engineers have shown...
CHASM Partners with Ingevity to Expand CNT Supply for NA and Europe
- TAGS:  Polymer Reinforcement    CHASM Advanced Materials...
Engineers Capture First Clear Images of Ocean Nanoplastics
02/02/2024 - Reviewed by Laura ThomsonFeb 2 2024Millions of tons of plastic waste enter the oceans each year. The sun’s...
Nanocoating Technology with Color Tunability for Antiviral Surfaces
01/02/2024 - Feb 1 2024Reviewed by Megan Craig, M.Sc.Since the outbreak of COVID-19, people have become accustomed to seeing...
Usan aguas residuales de destilerías para producir hidrógeno verde
- Las aguas residuales de la industria de la destilación podrían utilizarse para producir hidrógeno verde utilizando materiales desarrollados por científicos de la Universidad Heriot-Watt, en...
Bomar and Mechnano release T50B low viscosity masterbatch for 3D resins
- The Masterbatch uses Mechnano’s proprietary technology, known as D’Func™ (Discrete, Dispersed, and Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes), enabling the development of AM resins with enhanced...
Scientists Use Hydrogen to Boost Carbon Nanotube Yields Threefold
- TAGS:  Polymer Reinforcement    Skoltech scientists have...
Sunrise New Energy Set to Construct Carbon Nanotube Plant in the United States
- TAGS:  Polymer Reinforcement     Sunrise New...
Injectable Nanoparticles Release Naloxone After Blue LED Trigger
09/11/2023 - Nov 9 2023Reviewed by Megan Craig, M.Sc.In a proof-of-concept study published in
3D-printed plasmonic plastic enables large-scale optical sensor production
- Interest in plasmonic metal nanoparticles and their many different applications has grown rapidly, developing across a broad spectrum over the past two decades. What makes these particles so...
Nanopartículas ‘reutilizables’ elaboradas con residuos del olivar para descontaminar aguas residuales
- Investigadores del CIEMAT han comprobado la eficacia de unas nanoestructuras obtenidas del alpechín para eliminar sustancias que se encuentran habitualmente en las depuradoras urbanas como cafeína,...
OCSiAl to construct European graphene nanotube facility in 2024
15/09/2023 - Graphen nanotubes manufacturer OCSiAl (Luxembourg) has been granted a construction permit for a nanotube...
Obtienen plásticos biodegradables para aplicaciones alimentarias a partir de residuos
- Gracias a esta investigación se podrán producir envases alimentarios y films de la agricultura a partir de polímeros biobasados y biodegradables.
Tests Reveal no Free-standing Nanotubes in Tire Wear Test
- TAGS:  Polymer Reinforcement