


New Rule Reduces Energy Loss in Metal Nanostructures
09/10/2024 - Reviewed by Danielle Ellis, B.Sc.Oct 9 2024Scientists from the City University of Hong Kong found a significant energy loss in metal...
Green Synthesis of Carbon Quantum Dots from Almond Resin for Biomedical Use
22/10/2024 - By Dr. Noopur JainReviewed by Lexie CornerOct 22 2024In a recent article published in
Innovative Catalyst Enables Chirality-Specific Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes
23/10/2024 - Reviewed by Lexie CornerOct 23 2024A research team from Tohoku University, led by Associate Professor Toshiaki Kato of the Advanced Institute for Materials Research, has successfully...
Understanding the Potential of Nanotechnology
05/11/2024 - Reviewed by Bethan DaviesNov 5 2024A research team from Xi’an Jiaotong University, led by Xuesong Mei and...
Tiny Gold Radiators Fry Bacteria on Implants
30/10/2024 - Chalmers University of TechnologyOct 30 2024In the fight against antibiotic resistance, a new technology developed at Chalmers...
New High-Energy X-Ray Imaging Technique for Nanomaterials
07/11/2024 - Reviewed by Lexie CornerNov 7 2024According to a study published in Science, researchers have created a new record-breaking 3D imaging tool. The tool employs high-energy X-rays to...
Nanoparticle-Enabled Rapid and Sensitive COVID-19 Detection
07/11/2024 - Reviewed by Lexie CornerNov 7 2024Researchers at the Institute for Biotechnology and Biomedicine at the Universitat Autònoma de...
OCSiAl opens European graphene nanotube production facility
01/11/2024 - OSCiAl’s Serbian production facility. Source (All Images) |...
OCSiAl Opens First European Graphene Nanotube Facility
09/11/2024 - OCSiAl, the Luxembourg company, has opened its first...
Primera fábrica de nanotubos de grafeno de Europa
06/11/2024 - OCSiAl, referente mundial en tecnología de nanotubos de grafeno, ha inaugurado en Serbia su primera planta de producción europea. La nueva instalación producirá inicialmente...
Nanotube production for vehicle batteries opened in Belgrade
06/11/2024 - Nanotube production for vehicle batteries opened in Belgradeâ?? By staff â?? Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) manufacturer Ocsial (Leudelingen, Luxembourg;
Decoding ultrafast light dynamics with atomic force microscopy
- An improved technique for analyzing single-atom defect structures and minor electron behavior disturbance in semiconductor and other materials has been demonstrated by researchers in Japan. The...
Tecnología Cipa busca mitigar efectos del cambio climático en industria de la construcción
21/08/2024 - La clave de esta innovación reside en el diseño de una pintura interior aditiva con nanoestructuras inorgánicas que dotan al producto de propiedades únicas y funcionales. Por ejemplo, proporciona...
Advancing PVC Gel Artificial Muscles with Carbon Nanotube Electrodes
05/07/2024 - By Dr. Noopur JainReviewed by Lexie CornerJul 5 2024In a recent article published in
Delta Tecnic: aditivos disipativos y semiconductores para PVC
10/07/2024 - Determinadas aplicaciones, como suelos de quirófanos o de salas de fabricación de chips, presentan riesgos para la seguridad y el funcionamiento de equipos sensibles por la electricidad...
A Review of Innovations in Shape-Memory Polymers with Carbon Nanotubes
13/06/2024 - By Dr. Noopur JainJun 13 2024Reviewed by Lexie CornerIn a recent review published in
Graphene Nanotubes Offer Conductive Transparent Protective Films for 3C Products
22/05/2024 - Films play a crucial role in the consumer electronics industry, safeguarding smartphones, tablets, and laptops from scratches, fingerprints, and dust. As the demand for such devices rises, the...