


Turkish EPS building products firm adds Northern Ireland's Mannok to portfolio
10/09/2024 - Turkish EPS building products firm adds Northern Ireland's Mannok to portfolioBy correspondentTurkish building materials manufacturer à?imsa (Istanbul;
Decoding ultrafast light dynamics with atomic force microscopy
- An improved technique for analyzing single-atom defect structures and minor electron behavior disturbance in semiconductor and other materials has been demonstrated by researchers in Japan. The...
Recycled polymers for food contact from Versalis and Forever Plast
17/07/2024 - (Picture Linkedin/Versalis) Following the collaboration between Versalis, Eni's...
RecyClass rivede le linee guida sull'ecodesign
18/07/2024 - Affinate in base a recenti campagne di test le raccomandazioni per la corretta progettazione degli imballaggi per la riciclabilità. ...
Tengono i consumi di EPS in Italia
09/07/2024 - In flessione rispetto ai valori record raggiunti nel 2022, restano comunque più elevati dei livelli pre-Superbonus. 9 luglio...
Sustainable material comparisons using LCA
08/07/2024 - Betsy Bowers, executive director at Global EPS Sustainability Alliance, explores how LCA can be used to compare the environmental impact of different materials throughout their life cycle, from...
Sale of automotive activities up for review
28/06/2024 - Sale of automotive activities up for reviewBy Marilyn GerlachNorwegian EPS specialist Bewi (Trondheim; said it has initiated a review of its automotive business, which...
Tres nuevas empresas se incorporan a ANAPE como asociados
- Durante la última edición de Hispack, anape celebró su Asamblea General en la que se ha formalizado la entrada como asociado de la empresa Jose Manuel Valero, S.L. Además, se ha producido la...
Sicomin resins used in Olympic windsurfing board construction
05/06/2024 - Source | Sicomin Epoxy Systems
EPS group significantly expands recycling capacities
07/06/2024 - EPS group significantly expands recycling capacitiesBy staffNorwegian EPS specialist Bewi (Trondheim; 
Dalla trasformazione al riciclo di EPS
10/06/2024 - La svedese BEWI ha convertito un impianto per la produzione di lastre in un hub circolare per il recupero di polistirene. 10...
Researchers Develop Cool Paint Using Recycled Plastics
06/06/2024 - An NTU research team has successfully developed new methods to create a type of “cool paint” using recycled plastics – namely acrylic, old PVC pipes and polystyrene foam...
Olympic sailors to race for gold using Sicomin resins
- Sicomin, a leading formulator and supplier of high-performance epoxy resins, is proud to announce that its SR1280 resins will secure a gold medal at this summer’s Olympic windsurfing events....
@anape_eps Tres nuevas empresas se incorporan a Anape como asociados
27/05/2024 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">128
Romira?s LURANYL®Compounds for extrusion and injection molding
27/05/2024 - Cover cap for a water pump made using LURANYL® KRThe LURANYL®...
RecyClass allanará el camino para la reciclabilidad del plástico en los sectores eléctrico, electrónico y de automoción
09/05/2024 - La entidad ayudará a estas industrias a desarrollar directrices de diseño para el reciclado y protocolos de evaluación de reciclabilidad para los componentes plásticos de sus...
I numeri della plastica USA
03/05/2024 - Disponibile l'edizione 2024 del report Resin Review pubblicato dall'American Chemistry Council. 3 maggio 2024 08:43 ...
Hexcel reports 2024 first quarter results
- Q1 2024 GAAP diluted EPS of $0.43 compared to Q1 2023 GAAP diluted EPS of $0.50.Q1 2024 adjusted diluted EPS of $0.44, compared to Q1 2023 adjusted diluted EPS of $0.50.Q1...
La industria europea de construcción usa 231 millones de metros cúbicos de materiales aislantes
23/04/2024 - Extremadamente finos y altamente aislantes, ignífugos y ligeros como una pluma: ¿Son los aerogeles los materiales aislantes del futuro? Ya están disponibles no solo para...
Jackon, Austrotherm raise prices for panels and insulation materials
19/04/2024 - Jackon, Austrotherm raise prices for panels and insulation materialsAfter prices for polystyrene rose sharply in recent months, EPS specialist Jackon (Steinhagen, Germany;