


Intertronics helps bond LSE materials with SCIGRIP SG400LSE MMA solution
11/02/2025 - The solution is ideal for bonding LSE plastics like polypropylene, polyethene, and other polyolefins as well as thermoplastics elastomers to metals, FRP, and other plastics.
POLYVANTIS showcases its product portfolio at BAU 2025
11/02/2025 - POLYVANTIS recently attended BAU 2025 in Germany, where it showcased its product portfolio. This includes EUROPLEX, LEXAN PC film and sheet and the new 20-year warranty for LEXAN THERMOCLEAR...
Brevetti Invista sul riciclo del nylon
11/02/2025 - Già ottenuto quello per il riciclo di poliammide con alta viscosità relativa. Depositata una domanda sul riciclo chimico di PA6 e PA66. Si cercano partner. ...
Riciclare le bioplastiche, perché no?
11/02/2025 - Se lo chiede European Bioplastics in un documento che esamina le possibilità di selezione con tecnologie già presenti negli impianti esistenti, come i sensori NIR. ...
Agec : la France « doit redoubler d'efforts »
10/02/2025 - > Promulguée le 10 février 2020, la loi Antigaspillage pour une économie circulaire (Agec) fête son cinquième anniversaire. Dénonçant des mesures « attaquées de...
Daily News 10 / 02 / 2025
10/02/2025 - European Commission Daily news Brussels, 10 Feb 2025 La Commission autorise la création d'une entreprise commune par EFMS et LeighLa Commission européenne a approuvé, en vertu du règlement...
Eiropas Komisijas komisāra Valda Dombrovska atklāšanas uzruna forumā "Reformas un investīcijas izaugsmei"
10/02/2025 - European Commission Runa Riga, 10 Feb 2025 Eiropas Komisijas komisāra Valda Dombrovska atklāšanas uzruna forumā "Reformas un investīcijas izaugsmei" par Eiropas ekonomikas Atveseļošanas un...
Faca Packaging presenta soluciones sostenibles en Paris Packaging Week
10/02/2025 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">197
Colines, Gneuss and ExxonMobil Signature Polymers together for stretch film with recyclate
10/02/2025 - LDPE/LLDPE film has existing collection systems in many European countries that have been in place for many years...
Cap sur la sécurité sanitaire au CFIA
07/02/2025 - > C’est parti pour une nouvelle édition « pimentée » du Carrefour des fournisseurs de...
Berry Global successfully completes Entour PE trials on new conversion line
07/02/2025 - Developed by German converter equipment specialist B&B Verpackungstechnik GmbH, the company reported that the trials were “very positive.”
Austrian film manufacturer invests EUR 4 mn in expansion
10/02/2025 - Austrian film manufacturer invests EUR 4 mn in expansion— By staff — Film manufacturer and processor Coreth (Unterwaltersdorf, Austria;
Carbios plaude a decisione UE su aiuti al riciclo chimico
07/02/2025 - Il via libera della Commissione europea sbloccherà sovvenzioni per oltre 40 milioni di euro per il bioriciclo di PET in Francia. ...
New PET bottle-to-bottle recycling facility in Türkiye
10/02/2025 - Istanbul-based construction corporation Doğa has set up a PET recycling facility in Kırklareli and recently commissioned two Starlinger PET bottle-to-bottle recycling lines.
100% recyclable skinpack container from recycled PET
10/02/2025 - Aimplas is collaborating with Covinil and Eroski to overcome the challenges of recycling multilayer packaging while promoting sustainability and the efficient use of recycled materials in the food...
DITF oriented rCF tapes target virgin fiber CFRP substitution
06/12/2024 - Resulting “Infinity” rCF tape variant without...
Tri-Mack celebrates 50 years of technical problem-solving
11/12/2024 - Tri-Mack highlights its 500-ton thermoplastic composite...