


FuturPlast: Let's invent the Plastics Industry of Tomorrow
23/05/2024 - Join the second edition of FuturPlast, the great brainstorming of the plastics industry, and contribute to the development of new ideas and innovative solutions.?Objectives of the...
Plastics in Electric Vehicles
Del 06/06/2023 al 07/06/2023 - This event brings together top managers, engineers, designers, and material experts from the industry’s leading players – including OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers and plastics producers.
Plastics Extrusion World Expo North America
Del 15/11/2023 al 16/11/2023 - Polymer extrusion continues to see vast technical and functional innovations. This free to attend, co-located expo gives you the opportunity to join thousands of industry professionals to network...
Feiplar Composites & Feipur 2022
Del 16/08/2022 al 18/08/2022 - In this webinar, KRAIBURG TPE addresses the challenges of food contact regulations as it relates to TPE/material compliance. Please join our discussion on the different food categories and several...
Groundbreaking Technology for Plastic Recycling
09/09/2021 - International presentation of the latest FIMIC application. The ideal solution for those seeking to achieve the highest possible efficiency of the recycling process, significantly lowering...
13/06/2019 - Programa¿Conoces la Plastrónica? Descubre sus infinitas posibilidades en esta jornada y una línea en desarrollo emergente con un gran potencial de crecimiento en sectores industriales como...