Amendment to the Tobacco and Smoking Products Decree in connection with standard packaging for cigars and electronic vaping products.
19/06/2024 -
8. The amendment to the Tobacco and Smoking Products Decree aims to supplement a legal basis on standard packaging for cigars and electronic vaping products in order to lay down further packaging...
Proposed law to prohibit single-use electronic vaping devices
26/03/2024 -
8. The proposed law prohibits the manufacture, marketing, distribution or supply of single-use electronic vaping devices free of charge.
More specifically, the proposed law...
Draft regulation which regulates the waste traceability system and the national electronic waste traceability register pursuant to Article 188a of Legislative Decree No 152 of 6 April 2006.
29/09/2022 -
El proyecto de Decreto por el que se regula el sistema de trazabilidad de los residuos y el registro electrónico nacional para la trazabilidad de los residuos se ha elaborado de conformidad...
Draft decree on details of the management of certain end-of-life products
22/06/2021 -
he draft decree under assessment is implementing legislation to Act No 542/2020 on end-of-life products. This Act fully replaces current legislation on end-of-life products in Act No 185/2001 on...
Decree on the environmental declaration of construction and decoration products as well as electrical, electronic and environmental engineering equipment used for the calculation of the environmental performance of buildings
28/04/2021 -
El Decreto relativo a la declaración medioambiental de los productos de construcción y decoración, así como de los aparatos eléctricos, electrónicos y de...
Order on the management of waste from electrical or electronic equipment associated with sharp medical devices used by patients undergoing self-treatment and users of self-tests
04/02/2021 -
Article L4211-2-1 of the Public Health Code introduces the obligation to implement an extended producer responsibility (EPR) chain for the management of sharp infectious clinical waste produced by...
Order on the management of waste from electrical or electronic equipment associated with sharp medical devices used by patients undergoing self-treatment and users of self-tests
04/02/2021 -
Article L4211-2-1 of the Public Health Code introduces the obligation to implement an extended producer responsibility (EPR) chain for the management of sharp infectious clinical waste produced by...
Ordinance on treatment requirements for waste electrical and electronic equipment
02/12/2020 -
The Treatment Ordinance will both transfer the existing Annex 4 to the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act ‘Selective treatment of materials and components of WEEE’ to an...