Extrusión de materiales plásticos para la obtención de productos flexibles y semi-rígidos (6ª edición)"
17/10/2023 -
Hoy en día existe una gran cantidad de materiales plásticos, tanto sintéticos como naturales, que poseen importantes propiedades e infinidad de aplicaciones. El sector de la extrusión es uno...
Thin Wall Packaging North America
Del 20/06/2023 al 21/06/2023 -
The two-day event reflects the current, overriding drive towards more sustainable food packaging. It will incorporate the latest developments in thin wall molded fiber in parallel to plastics, and...
The Grass Yarn & Tufters Forum Europe - 2023
Del 28/02/2023 al 02/03/2023 -
Connecting industry professionals to explore the latest technical developments of the artificial turf supply chain
Thin Wall Packaging North America - 2023
Del 20/06/2023 al 21/06/2023 -
Identifying opportunities and maximizing returns in the lightweight plastic tubs, pots and trays industry
Thin Wall Packaging North America - 2022
Del 14/06/2022 al 15/06/2022 -
Identifying opportunities and maximizing returns in the lightweight plastic tubs, pots and trays industry
Thin Wall Packaging Europe - 2022
Del 06/12/2022 al 07/12/2022 -
Identifying opportunities and maximising returns in plastic tubs, pots and trays industry
Thin Wall Packaging Global Virtual Summit - 2021
Del 22/06/2021 al 24/06/2021 -
Identifying opportunities and maximizing returns in the lightweight plastic tubs, pots and trays industry.
Thin Wall Packaging North America - 2021
Del 22/06/2021 al 23/06/2021 -
Identifying opportunities and maximizing returns in the lightweight plastic tubs, pots and trays industry
Thin Wall Packaging - 2021
Del 29/11/2021 al 01/12/2021 -
Identifying opportunities and maximising returns in plastic tubs, pots and trays industry
Thin Wall Packaging North America - 2020
Del 23/06/2020 al 24/06/2020 -
Identifying opportunities and maximizing returns in the light-weight plastic tubs, pots and trays industry
Thin Wall Packaging - 2019
Identifying opportunities and maximising returns in plastic tubs, pots and trays industry
Thin Wall Packaging US - 2019
Del 18/06/2019 al 19/06/2019 -
Identifying opportunities and maximizing returns in light-weight plastic tubs, pots and trays industry
Thin Wall Packaging Asia - 2018
Del 25/09/2018 al 26/09/2018 -
Identifying opportunities and capitalising on the growth in light-weight plastic tubs, pots and trays industry in Asia and Australasia
Thin Wall Packaging - 2018
Del 11/12/2018 al 13/12/2018 -
Identifying opportunities and maximising returns in plastic tubs, pots and trays industry