Circular Economy
Circular Economy
Safe and Rechargeable Water-Based Battery
TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEWTo achieve a net-zero carbon emission goal, energy derived from fossil fuels are replaced with green renewables such as solar, wind, etc. However, these renewable energies are...
Unique Tubular Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Technology for Agrivoltaic Farming
TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEWIn a world where resources are diminishing and demands are rising, the value of land has significantly increased for clean energy and food production. Agrivoltaic farming...
Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass Waste to Plywood Alternative
TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEWPlywood is a preferred material used in furniture and home building for its durability since the Egyptian and Roman times. In 2019, the world consumed 165 million cm3 of plywood...
Solar folding roof helps power water treatment
At present, most photovoltaic systems are placed on the roofs of buildings. However, there is great potential, still rarely used, for placing them over open areas used for municipal and commercial...
Advanced technology for pretreatment of municipal wastewater sludge for better biogas generation and decrease of sludge accumulation
Summary: Swiss SME active in environmental technologies offers a solution for sludge pretreatment in municipal wastewater plants. The solution (technology and machinery) is able to pre-treat...
Polish SME offers hybrid photovoltaic installation with heating solar collector and is looking for agents and distributors
Summary: Polish SME with more than 24 years of experience on the market of renewable energy sources offers a patented (international patent) hybrid photovoltaic installation with heating solar...
Innovative aeration technology to remove phosphorus, organic carbon and nitrogen from waste water
Summary: A Spanish university has developed an innovative technology for removing phosphorus, organic carbon and nitrogen from waste water using aerobic granular biomass and pulsed aeration. The...
Spanish SME that develops portable energy generation products seeks manufacturers
Summary: A Spanish company is developing a light, portable, foldable and easy-to-use modular solar generation systems for residential, commercial and small business environments. It consists of...
A Korean energy company (floating solar power system on water) is looking for technology-transfer and licensing partners
Summary: A Korean energy company is specialized in developing, producing, construction, and maintaining not only the on-land system but also a floating PV (Photovoltaic) system. Especially for a...
Technology to build anaerobic digesters, cover domes and constant pressure gasholders with double-sided PVC-coated fiber fabric.
Summary: An Italian company has developed proprietary production lines that work double-sided PVC-coated fiber fabric to build anaerobic digesters, cover domes, constant pressure gasholders and...
Soluciones flexibles para aprovechar la biomasa de los bosques
Una investigación financiada con fondos europeos ha identificado y explotado de manera sostenible diferentes fuentes de biomasa en el norte de Europa que estaban infrautilizadas. Esto podría...
El futuro de la energía solar de la mano de unas celdas fotovoltaicas de perovskita eficientes y seguras
El trabajo de un proyecto de la Unión Europea consiste en facilitar la obtención de compuestos de perovskita más eficientes, que son utilizados en la producción de energía solar.
OHMIO, un rayo de esperanza para los dispositivos electrónicos flexibles
Un material polimérico conductor recién desarrollado hace que las celdas fotovoltaicas de nueva generación sean más ligeras, delgadas y flexibles. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos...
Creación de biocarburantes y productos químicos verdes a partir de residuos agroforestales cercanos a la fuente
Investigadores financiados con fondos europeos han creado una plataforma comercialmente viable para estabilizar materiales de biomasa cercanos a la fuente para su posterior uso como productos...
Renewable energy: Energy-absorbing breakwater
The enterprise is looking for an investor for the sale of the license and further cooperation on the placing the device of the wave energy converting on the market based on manufacturing and/or...
Retrofitting of a one-megawatt biogas plant or for newly constructed plants
A German company, active in the machine tools sector, has developed a container with digestion technology for a biogas plant. The advantage of the technology is the increasing in biogas...
Novel linear power control unit for use of photovoltaic for generation of hot water and space heating
An Austrian manufacturer developed grid-conform, compact, linear power control units for efficient use of heat gained by photovoltaic panels (PV) in residential buildings. The control unit...
An intelligent metering device for predicting the output of photovoltaic systems
A Macedonian company offers an intelligent metering device for advanced forecasting and proactive management of the output of photovoltaic systems. The solution measures irradiation, temperature...
Fibras de carbono obtenidas de biomasa
La creciente demanda de materiales compuestos ligeros de altas prestaciones impulsa el desarrollo de la industria de la fibra de carbono. Investigadores europeos han obtenido precursores de fibras de...
Portuguese producer of an innovative solution to clean small and large-scale photovoltaic panels is looking for distributors and agents.
This Portuguese manufacturer of an innovative cleaning solution for photovoltaic panels is interested in widening its market by forming long-term partnerships with distributors and commercial...
Hungarian SME is looking for reliable partners under financial or licence agreement for its insulation system that operates only by using geothermal energy
Hungarian company offers its insulation system that operates only by using geothermal energy, without auxiliary energy. The system can be used to decrease significantly the winter heat demand and...