Circular Economy


Circular Economy

Vitol agrees to acquire 66.84% of plastics recycling company WPU
16/01/2025 - Vitol B.V. (“Vitol”) has entered into a conditional agreement to acquire a controlling interest in Waste Plastic Upcycling A/S (“WPU”). On completion, which is subject to certain...
Cloverdale Paint and Celanese Partner to Offer Sustainable Paint Solutions Created with Carbon Capture Technology
16/01/2025 - Cloverdale Paint has announced a partnership with Celanese Corporation, a global specialty materials and chemical company, that will leverage its carbon capture and utilization (CCU)...
Greening of Potatoes in Stores Leads to Food Waste
15/01/2025 - Get the latest news from Nofima weekly in your inbox. Telephone +47 77 62...
@anape_eps Entrevista a Raquel López de la Banda, directora de Anape
16/01/2025 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">207
Objetivos de sostenibilidad de la industria del EPS
- En la actualidad, tanto cumplir con la legislación obligatoria como incorporar una filosofía voluntaria de sostenibilidad supone un dificilísimo reto para todas las empresas en general y para...
Rebel Fuels launches to transform waste CO2 into carbon-neutral fuels
15/01/2025 - Rebel Fuels Inc., a Delaware Public Benefit Corporation, announced today its launch to address climate change through innovative carbon recycling technology. The company aims to...
Ace Green Recycling, a Global Leader in Battery Recycling Technology, to Become a Public Company
15/01/2025 - Ace’s innovative modular battery recycling platform is designed to minimize battery waste and retain critical battery materials of strategic...
Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Six Innovations are Nominated
- The use of leaves for cellulose pulp and packaging, seaweed as a feedstock for biosynthetic fibres, plant-based surface material for car interiors and much more – The award nominees are as diverse...
Blow moulding goes green with PET Technologies
15/01/2025 - PET Technologies' innovative solutions can redefine the future of the rPET market, driving the circular economy. All their blow mould machines are compatible with 100% rPET, helping manufacturers...
Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Six Innovations are Nominated  
14/01/2025 - It is getting exciting again in Cologne on 12 and 13 March for the cellulose fibres industry. Six new products have been nominated for the popular innovation award. The jury has...
A Step Forward in Recycling: The RECLAIM Project and Its Innovative Equipment for Plastic Waste
14/01/2025 - © AIMPLASThe RECLAIM  project has brought to life an innovative and sustainable solution: a portable robotic system designed for...
BU Scientists make breakthrough in self-repairing plastic
14/01/2025 - A research team led by Bournemouth University added specially developed nanomaterials to plastic samples which allowed them to self-heal after being damaged and retain almost all their...
Llamada de atención de la CE a España por el etiquetado para la gestión de residuos
14/01/2025 - El mes pasado, la Comisión Europea decidió incoar un procedimiento de infracción mediante el envío de una carta de notificación a España (INFR(2024)4029) por no cumplir...
KRIOPLAS: molienda criogénica para obtener polvo fino y ultrafino
14/01/2025 - AIMPLAS, Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico, amplía sus capacidades en micronizado criogénico para el desarrollo de materiales en polvo ultrafinos de interés para la...
ACCIONA emplea perros robóticos y drones para inspeccionar las redes de saneamiento de Bilbao
- ACCIONA ha incorporado tecnologías de última generación, como drones y robots, para la revisión e inspección de las redes de saneamiento de la ciudad de Bilbao. La compañía ha realizado ya...
Cartón Circular, autorizado para gestionar envases industriales
13/01/2025 - Cartón Circular, el Sistema Colectivo de Responsabilidad Ampliada del Productor (SCRAP) especializado en el reciclado de envases industriales, ha recibido la aprobación de la...
Aramco, TotalEnergies and Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC) assess the development of a sustainable aviation fuels unit
10/01/2025 - © TotalEnergiesOn the occasion of the visit of the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince...
Vigente en España el Reglamento Europeo de Envases y Residuos de Envases
10/01/2025 - El Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico, AIMPLAS, recuerda que, desde el 1 de enero de 2025, los envases domésticos deberán indicar el contenedor donde se deben...
La demanda europea de adhesivos creció hasta los 3 millones de toneladas en 2023
13/01/2025 - Los adhesivos deben ser seguros, no tóxicos y fáciles de reciclar: la industria está sometida a una gran presión para que utilice procesos de unión respetuosos...
Palm oil imports to the European Union continue to dwindle 
09/01/2025 - In the period 1 July 2024 to 10 December 2024, the EU-27 imported just less than 1.4 million tonnes of palm oil, which represents a 16 per cent decrease on the same period in 2023....