Tribological and Hygroscopic Behavior of Polybutylene Terephthalate/Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate (PBT/ASA) Nanocomposites with Graphene Nanofiller
12/11/2024 -
Fogging in automotive headlamps is a significant issue that affects both aesthetics and functionality. This study investigates the use of graphene-based nanocomposites to mitigate fogging by...
The Use of Rubber-Polymer Composites in Bitumen Modification for the Disposal of Rubber and Polymer Waste
14/11/2024 -
The use of rubber-polymer composites ELTC (End of Life Tire Compound) for bitumen modification was investigated. ELTC contains not only devulcanized rubber from used car tires, but also used plastics...
Experimental study on the mechanical evolution for waste tire rubber powder?modified asphalt and its mixture considering the temperature characteristics in seasonal freezing regions
06/11/2024 -
SBS/waste tire rubber powder compound? or single?doped waste tire rubber powder?modified asphalt mixture had better frost resistance. The unified calculation model for strength deterioration obtained...
Experimental Evaluation of Under Slab Mats (USMs) Made from End-of-Life Tires for Ballastless Tram Track Applications
04/11/2024 -
The growing population of urban areas results in the need to deal with the noise pollution from the transportation system. This study presents experimental test results of static and dynamic elastic...
Recycled Carbon Black/High-Density Polyethylene Composite from Waste Tires: Manufacturing, Testing, and Aging Characterization
05/11/2024 -
This study addresses the global issue of recycling used vehicle tires, typically burned out or trimmed to be reused in playground floors or road banks. In this study, we explore a novel...
Construction of epoxy resin with enhanced flame retardancy, mechanical properties, and satisfactory transparency based on a novel bi?DOPO and hydrogen?bonding network
28/10/2024 -
Different reclaimed rubber in tire inner liner.AbstractIn this work, the application of reclaimed ground tire rubber (RGTR) and butyl reclaimed rubber (BRR) in the inner liner rubber were...
Mechanical and Durability Properties of Rubberized Sulfur Concrete Using Waste Tire Crumb Rubber
30/10/2024 -
The use of rubber crumbs provides a viable solution for alleviating the disposal problem of waste tires. In this study, rubberized sulfur concrete (RSC) was researched to investigate the optimal...
The Input of Nanoclays to the Synergistic Flammability Reduction in Flexible Foamed Polyurethane/Ground Tire Rubber Composites
31/10/2024 -
Currently, postulated trends and law regulations tend to direct polymer technology toward sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions. These approaches are expressed by keeping materials in...
Aerospace, Vol. 11, Pages 885: Winch Traction Dynamics for a Carrier-Based Aircraft Under Trajectory Control on a Small Deck in Complex Sea Conditions
27/10/2024 -
When the winch traction system of a carrier-based aircraft works under complex sea conditions, the rope and the tire forces are greatly changed compared with under simple sea conditions, and it poses...
Recycling of Plastics in the Automotive Sector and Methods of Removing Paint for Its Revalorization: A Critical Review
28/10/2024 -
The presence of plastics in the automotive industry is increasingly significant due to their lightweight nature, which contributes to reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions while improving...
Is it only the hood, or also the neighbour? Bat occupancy and community drivers in heterogeneous urban landscapes
01/02/2025 -
Abstract Bats are one of the most diverse mammal groups, and one of the common inhabitants of urban environments globally, dealing with artificial lightning, ambient noise, and...
Recycling waste tires into sustainable biofuel for replacing petroleum fuel in diesel engines using nanoparticles and biohydrogen
23/10/2024 -
In this paper, the production of pyrolyzed oil in lab scale plant and its possible use in variable speed diesel engine with nanoparticle and secondary fuel oxy-hydrogen gas is investigated. The...
Vertical Response of Stress Transmission Through Sand–Tire Mixture Under Impact
24/10/2024 -
This study evaluates the vertical stress transmission through a sand–tire mixture layer under impact, focusing on this innovative blended material that can impact underground structures...
Development of a Matrix for Seismic Isolators Using Recycled Rubber from Vehicle Tires
24/10/2024 -
Over recent decades, numerous strong earthquakes have caused widespread devastation, including citywide destruction, significant loss of life, and severe structural damage. Seismic base isolation is...
Durability Investigation of Ultra-Thin Polyurethane Wearing Course for Asphalt Pavement
11/10/2024 -
In this study, a wear-resistant ultra-thin wear layer was fabricated with polyurethane as an adhesive to investigate its durability for pavement applications. Its road performance was investigated...
Bending Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Rubber as Form of Fiber from Waste Tires
11/10/2024 -
An investigation was conducted to assess the efficacy of using waste rubber as a substitute for a portion of an aggregate to enhance concrete’s sustainability. For the purpose of...
Dynamic Behavior of Rubber Fiber-Reinforced Expansive Soil under Repeated Freeze–Thaw Cycles
04/10/2024 -
Large volumes of waste tires are generated due to the rapid growth of the transportation industry. An effective method of recycling waste tires is needed. Using rubber from tires to improve...
Study on the Performance of Modified Qingchuan Rock/Rubber Asphalt
30/09/2024 -
This paper developed a new environmentally friendly composite modified asphalt material and studied the composite modification of Qingchuan rock asphalt (QRA) and waste tire rubber powder (RP) was...
The Effectiveness of Waste Tire Pyrolysis Oils (WTPOs) as Rejuvenating Agents for Asphalt Materials
17/08/2024 -
The continuous increase in solid waste materials, such as waste tires, underscores the critical importance of recycling them to mitigate environmental impact and promote sustainable resource...
Application of wet carbon black masterbatch in green mining radial tires
09/09/2024 -
Analysis of wet carbon black masterbatch to reduce tire rolling resistance.In the context of environmental protection and energy consumption reduction, reducing the rolling resistance of mining...
Synergic effects of physio?mechanical performances on sliding?rolling tribological and abrasion behaviors of polyisoprene based aviation tire treads
01/10/2024 -
Preparation and tribological behaviors of the IR based tire treads.Abrasion and tribological properties of tread rubber play a crucial role in governing the service life of aviation tires and the...