ModernSynthesis is making compostable materials that last a lifetime
17/02/2025 -
Jen Keane’s claim to fame is that she grew a shoe using bacteria, coaxing the microbes to deposit their nanocellulose…Full text:
Bio? Synthetic? Well, which is it?
14/02/2025 -
Biosynthetic Fibres © nova-Institute 2024Since the 2000s, the term “biosynthetics” has been used to describe synthetic fibers of biological origin. To defossilise the textile...
Biobasierte Lösung für das Verpacken von Lebensmitteln mit Schutzatmosphäre entwickelt
14/02/2025 -
© Christin Klose – stock.adobe.comDen Prototyp einer nahezu 100-prozentig biobasierten, thermoformbaren Mehrschichtfolie, die sich für die Verpackung von Lebensmitteln unter...
Polyvel Europe: Neues Additiv-Masterbatch für die PLA-Verarbeitung – Beispiel Teebeutel-Verpackungen
14/02/2025 -
Image by freepikDas hochdosierte, einfach zu verarbeitende Granulat reduziert den weiteren Anbieteranagben zufolge effizient den hohen Reibungskoeffizienten von PLA. Auf diese Weise...
Neue Additive vergrößern Marktpotenzial von Biopolymeren
13/02/2025 -
Freuen sich über den erfolgreichen Abschluss des gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekts (v.l.n.r.): Andreas Eisenhut, Laborleiter bei Polytives, OIiver Eckardt, Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Polytives,...
New additives increase the market potential of biopolymers
13/02/2025 -
Happy about the successful completion of the joint research project (from left to right): Andreas Eisenhut, Laboratory Manager at Polytives, OIiver Eckardt, Founder and Managing Director of...
EU Enforces Ambitious Packaging and Recycling Rules as New Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Takes Effect Today
13/02/2025 -
© Adobe StockAfter two years of negotiation, the EU finalised the revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD) end of 2024. It transforms the directive into a binding...
Tidal Vision completes $140M Series B to Scale Chitosan Technologies Globally
12/02/2025 -
Tidal Vision Full Team 2024 © Tidal Vision / Alex GaynorTidal Vision, a biotechnology company transforming critical industries with chitosan-based chemistries, announced the closing of an...
Amcor guarda al PEF
12/02/2025 -
Siglato accordo con Avantium per lo sviluppo congiunto di imballaggi in bioplastica. Prenotata anche capacità dei futuri impianti in licenza. ...
APP Group Showcases Biodegradable Products at EcoPro 2024: Advancing Sustainable Packaging and Forest Restoration in Japan
11/02/2025 -
Plastic pollution remains a global concern these days, and Japan is among the countries grappling with its challenges. Due to its location in the North Pacific, Japan is a country that...
Seoul National University of Science and Technology Researchers Develop Bioink for Personalized Tissue Repair Using Kombucha SCOBY Nanocellulose
11/02/2025 -
Tissue engineering utilizes 3D printing and bioink to grow human cells on scaffolds, creating replacements for damaged tissues like skin, cartilage, and even organs. A team of researchers...
Nano cooling lubricant boosts Cheto deep-hole drilling and milling centre at Koller
11/02/2025 -
Bioplastics are increasingly being used for components in industrial products. Examples include components from the automotive sector, the electronics industry and the construction industry. However,...
Riciclare le bioplastiche, perché no?
11/02/2025 -
Se lo chiede European Bioplastics in un documento che esamina le possibilità di selezione con tecnologie già presenti negli impianti esistenti, come i sensori NIR. ...
Plant-based substitute for fossil fuels developed for plastic foams
10/02/2025 -
Ziqi Yu (Postdoc), Isaac Nartey Oduro (PhD student) and Daniela Gonzalez- Sepulveda (undergraduate RA) are examining lignin-based polyurethane samples. © WSUAn environmentally-friendly...
Congresso su packaging e sostenibilità
10/02/2025 -
In programma a Milano la quinta edizione del congresso scientifico API, Advances in the Packaging Industry, intitolato “Sustainability: Products and Processes". ...
@aimplas Entrevista a Pablo Ferrero, investigador líder de Biotecnología en Aimplas
07/02/2025 -
El compostaje es la vía más eficiente en términos climáticos para tratar los residuos orgánicos
28/11/2024 -
Un estudio de la organización norteamericana de residuos sólidos concluye que el procesamiento de biorresiduos mixtos en plantas de compostaje es el más rentable para reducir las emisiones...
El mercado mundial de polímeros biodegradables alcanzará este año los 7.100 millones de euros
27/11/2024 -
Un informe de Research and Markets augura un fuerte crecimiento del sector en los próximos años, hasta alcanzar un valor de 23.400 millones de euros en 2030.El mercado mundial de...
Científicos japoneses desarrollan un nuevo plástico reciclable y totalmente degradable en el mar
03/12/2024 -
Los nuevos plásticos no son tóxicos ni inflamables y pueden remodelarse a temperaturas superiores a 120 °C como otros termoplásticos.Foto: RIKENInvestigadores de Centro RIKEN para la...