battenfeld-cincinnati started construction of the new technical center
01/02/2024 -
The impressive new building with a floor area of...
Alai Ecotermoformados aumenta su capacidad de extrusión
Después de sumar el pasado año dos nuevas líneas de termoformados, el especialista en bandejas y envases plásticos Alai Ecotermoformados completa en 2023 una nueva inversión con la que ha...
Sustainable materials a focus of Primex expansion
06/06/2023 -
Primex Plastics Corp. will have more ability to develop new materials through a recently announced expansion.Richmond, Ind.-based Primex
ADBioplastics presenta un bioplástico compostable para packaging
10/05/2023 -
ADBioplastics ha presentado en la feria Interpack, PLA-Premium, un innovador bioplástico compostable para envases de alimentos, bebidas y cosmética.Como explica...
NantBioPlastics invests $8.3M in Alabama
13/04/2023 -
NantBioPlastics LLC, a subsidiary of Calcean Minerals and Materials LLC, has invested $8.3 million in a new Gadsden, Ala., manufacturing facility to meet demand for compostable single-use...
Integrated Commercial Production at PDH/PP Complex
25/03/2023 -
Heartland Polymers announced the successful start-up of its propane dehydrogenation (PDH) plant, which is now providing on-site feedstock for North America’s only integrated, single-site...
Using Non-Contact IR Sensing to Overcome Plastics Processing Challenges
A lot can go wrong with temperature measurement during plastics processing and, by extension, the quality of your finished product. Even if you do everything by the book, errors can originate from...
Obituary: Sheet extrusion entrepreneur, Plastics Pioneer John Witt
17/02/2022 -
St. Helena, Calif. — John Witt, a Plastics Pioneer who built a respected and successful custom sheet business in Greenville, Ohio, died on Feb. 14. He was 87.A past...
Adjudicados los activos de Sheet-Pack
Meses después de iniciar su proceso de liquidación, los activos de la tarraconense Sheet-Pack, especializada en la...
Laminex buys new PTi line to speed response to COVID-19 demand
19/05/2020 -
Mexican roll and sheet extruder Laminados Extruidos Plásticos SA de CV sped up its purchase of a sheet extrusion line from Processing Technologies International LLC in response to the coronavirus...
Loose Plastics positioned for ‘easy growth plans'
05/12/2019 -
Loose Plastics Inc., a custom sheet extrusion manufacturer based in Gladwin, Mich., is on a path to grow the business.
Single screw sheet extrusion line for thermoformed food packaging
29/10/2019 -
Union Officine Meccaniche is increasingly present in American market with the sale to an...
Fire damages Futurex sheet extrusion plant in Indiana
05/04/2018 -
A March 31 fire heavily damaged a Futurex Industries Inc. plant in Bloomingdale, Ind., where the custom sheet extruder is based.Six or seven people were working in the plant on that Saturday...
Polycarbonate sheet extrusion business up for sale / US plant to be acquired by Plaskolite / Bidding process for European plants
28/03/2018 -
Polycarbonate sheet extrusion business up for sale / US plant to be acquired by Plaskolite / Bidding process for European plants"Makrolon" polycarbonate sheets (Photo: Covestro)German plastics...