Advanced materials
Advanced materials
Dendritic Solid Polymer Electrolytes: A New Paradigm for High?Performance Lithium?based Batteries
03/06/2023 -
Li?ions battery has been widely used and recognized, but its energy density based on organic electrolytes has approached the theoretical upper limit, while the use of organic electrolytes also brings...
A Brief Review of Gel Polymer Electrolytes Using In Situ Polymerization for Lithium-ion Polymer Batteries
05/02/2023 -
Polymer electrolytes (PEs) have been thoroughly investigated due to their advantages that can prevent severe problems of Li-ion batteries, such as electrolyte leakage, flammability, and lithium...
Polyzwitterion–SiO2 Double-Network Polymer Electrolyte with High Strength and High Ionic Conductivity
16/01/2023 -
The key to developing high-performance polymer electrolytes (PEs) is to achieve their high strength and high ionic conductivity, but this is still challenging. Herein, we designed a new...
Plasma surface modification of graphene oxide nanosheets for the synthesis of GO/PES nanocomposite ultrafiltration membrane for enhanced oily separation
22/11/2022 -
Dynamic frequency sweep was utilized to conduct a further investigation on the melt post?polycondensation (MPP) process in commercial polycarbonate (PC) by a forced gas sweeping. Results indicate...
Rheological behavior of PES/PVP/DMAc solution and PVP structural regulation for hollow fiber membrane
08/08/2022 -
AbstractSolid waste generation has increased enormously due to development in a fast?moving world. Large amounts of industrial and agricultural waste are either incinerated or subject to landfilling,...
Biobased Poly(ethylene succinate)-b-poly(triethylene terephthalate) multiblock copolyesters with high melting temperature and improved crystallization rate and mechanical property
21/07/2022 -
Biobased poly(ethylene succinate)-b-poly(triethylene terephthalate) (PES-b-PTEGT) multiblock copolyesters with low weight ratios of PTEGT segment were successfully synthesized...
Advances in host selection and interface regulation of polymer electrolytes
01/03/2022 -
Polymer electrolyte (PE) has been emerging as a promising alternative to liquid electrolytes due to the unique advantages such as excellent flexibility and processability, high chemical and thermal...
Hydrophilic PAA-g-MWCNT/TiO2@PES nano-matrix composite membranes: Anti-fouling, antibacterial and photocatalytic
The synthesis of composite nano-matrix membranes from a variety of nanoscale materials will impair the comprehensive properties of the materials. Therefore, it is not easy to prepare...
Synthesis and characterization of new proton exchange membrane deriving from sulfonated polyether sulfone using ionic crosslinking for electrodialysis applications
25/09/2020 -
In this research work, the synthesis and characterization of new ion exchange membranes made from sulfonated polyether sulfone (S?PES) crosslinked by aminated PES (NH2?PES) crosslinking reagent have...