


Co-encapsulation of Creatininase, Creatinase, and Sarcosine Oxidase in Yeast Spore for Creatinine Degradation
- Abstract Creatinine clearance is used to reflect the glomerular filtration rate to assess kidney function. Creatinine degradation-related enzymes have been used for creatinine...
Anti‐Fatigue Cellular Graphene Aerogel Through Multiscale Joint Strengthening
24/12/2024 - In this work, by employing multiscale modeling, the highly intrinsic anisotropic mechanical properties of the cell wall due to the layer‐by‐layer stacked graphene sheets are uncovered, and...
Tough Polyurethane Hydrogels with a Multiple Hydrogen‐Bond Interlocked Bicontinuous Phase Structure Prepared by In Situ Water‐Induced Microphase Separation
23/12/2024 - Tough polyurethane hydrogels with a multiple hydrogen‐bond interlocked bicontinuous phase structure are prepared by in situ water‐induced microphase separation. The outstanding mechanical...
Multidirectional Sliding Ferroelectricity of Rhombohedral‐Stacked InSe for Reconfigurable Photovoltaics and Imaging Applications
20/12/2024 - A multidirectional sliding ferroelectricity in γ‐InSe with a tunable bulk photovoltaic effect due to the existence of multiple polarization states is reported. The multidirectional sliding...
Performance Enhancement of Carbon Nanotube Network Transistors via SbI3 Inner‐Doping in Selected Regions
19/12/2024 - A new structural device is constructed through contact engineering, where carbon nanotubes in the electrode area are filled with SbI3 molecular chains, resulting in low contact resistance, high...
A New Generation of Multimilliwatt‐Class Colloidal Quantum‐Dot Lasers at Full Colors
12/12/2024 - The full‐color QD lasers relevant for practical implementations are achieved. These QD lasers feature the simultaneous metrics of low threshold, long operating duration, and multimilliwatt output...
Evaluation of the Activation Energy for Pyrolytic Degradation of Poly‐L‐Lactide (PLA) During Artificially Accelerated Aging
06/12/2024 - ABSTRACTIn the course of this study, the pyrolytic degradation characteristics of three poly(lactic acid) (PLA) types were investigated under inert conditions using dynamic thermogravimetric analysis...
Effect of Sodium Alginate-Bulk Chitosan/Chitosan Nanoparticle Wall Matrix on the Viability of Lactobacillus plantarum Under Simulated Gastrointestinal Fluids
- Abstract The viability of probiotic cells decreases during passage through the gastrointestinal tract. The process of probiotics encapsulation with sodium alginate and chitosan...
Effects of Silicon Concentration and Synthesis Duration on Lignin Structure: A Spectroscopic and Microscopic Study
30/11/2024 - ABSTRACTSilicon (Si) is a highly abundant mineral in Earth's crust. It plays a vital role in plant growth, providing mechanical support, enhancing grain yield, facilitating mineral nutrition, and...
Optimizing the Electrical Microenvironment Provided by 3D Micropillar Topography on a Piezoelectric BaTiO3 Substrate to Enhance Osseointegration
20/11/2024 - Illustration of a biomimetic 3D spatial electrical microenvironment created by patterning of micropillar arrays on a piezoelectric BaTiO3 (BTO) ceramic substrate to enhance bone defect repair. The...
Wildland Urban Interface Codes in the USA: Comparison Between the Codes From the International Code Council and the State of California
21/11/2024 - ABSTRACTTwo organizations in the United States have developed codes to protect against the hazards associated with wildfires: the International Code Council (ICC; a private not?for?profit...
Energy-Efficiency-Oriented Spatial Configuration of VRV Outdoor Units in an Equipment Layer Under Background Wind Conditions
19/11/2024 - This study provides a spatial configuration method to improve the cooling efficiency of multiple VRV outdoor units placed on equipment layers with high floors. Relevant factors include wind...
Study on the Vibration Comfort of a High-Rise Industrial Building
19/11/2024 - This study assesses the vibration comfort of a steel–concrete composite floor system in a high-rise industrial building under construction in Shenzhen. The assessment focuses on...
The Effect of Moderate Temperature Rise on Emitted Chemicals from Modern Building Materials
19/11/2024 - Chemical emissions from building materials may significantly impact indoor air quality and potentially human health, since individuals spend most of their time indoors. With rising global...
Improving the Thermochemical Heat Storage Performance of Calcium Hydroxide in a Fixed-Bed Reactor by Y-Shaped Fins
20/11/2024 - Thermochemical heat storage technology has great development prospects due to its high energy storage density and stable long-term storage capacity. The calcium hydroxide/calcium oxide reaction has...
A Case Study of 3D Scanning Techniques in Civil Engineering Using the Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technique
21/11/2024 - This paper reviews the measurement challenges associated with 3D scanning techniques in civil engineering, exploring the practical aspects of scanning buildings and complex surfaces through various...
Influence of Boundary Conditions on the Estimation of Thermal Properties in Insulated Building Walls
21/11/2024 - The objective of this study is to evaluate the ability of inverse techniques to estimate the resistance and the capacity of a highly insulated multilayer wall under real weather conditions. The wall...
Ecological Benefit Optimization and Design of Rural Residential Roofs Based on the “Dual Carbon” Goal
21/11/2024 - With the continuous advancement of urbanization, rural areas are facing increasingly severe environmental pollution, excessive energy consumption, and high carbonization resulting from both daily...
Energy Saving for Impinging Jet Ventilation System by Employing Various Supply Duct Locations and Return Grill Elevation
21/11/2024 - The study of energy savings in ventilation systems within buildings is crucial. Impinging jet ventilation (IJV) systems have garnered significant interest from researchers. The identification of the...
A Combined Impact of Low-Voltage Electrostatic Field and Essential Oil on the Postharvest Properties of Chili Pepper: Insights into Related Molecular Mechanisms
19/11/2024 - This research is intended to ascertain the impact of low-voltage electrostatic field (LVEF) together with chili pepper leaf essential oil (CLEO) on the storage quality of chili pepper. Four groups of...