


Plasmatreat: New Openair-Plasma system for EPDM profiles
17/01/2025 - Photos: ©PlasmatreatAutomotive door seals are typically made from EPDM/TPE. This non-polar...
Thermoforming: Koinos Capital acquires a majority stake in Lapi
14/01/2025 - Injection moulding and mould-making technologies have been an integral part of Toolcraft’s services for 20 years, and the company has successfully expanded in these areas. Alongside processing...
Complexity and precision in silicone injection moulding
14/01/2025 - Plastimagen, taking place from March 11 to 14, 2025, in Mexico City, serves as a key platform for the Mexican plastics industry. At stand 730 in hall D, Arburg will showcase two advanced injection...
Carlisle Fluid Technologies Enhances Sealants and Adhesives Technology Offerings
09/12/2024 - Carlisle Fluid Technologies, a manufacturer of products and systems for the supply, application, and curing of spray materials such as paints, coatings, powders, sealants, and adhesives, has...
Parts2clean 2025: Enhanced role for parts cleaning in industry
09/12/2024 - Austrian Engel Group has entered a strategic partnership with Electronica Plastic Machines (EPM), combining decades of expertise to strengthen local production and innovation in India. Focused on the...
Una Allrounder eléctrica de Arburg transformará caucho de silicona sólida en Plastec West
10/12/2024 - En la feria Plastec West, que tendrá lugar del 4 al 6 de febrero de 2025 en Anaheim (EEUU), Arburg presentará temas interesantes como el moldeo por inyección de silicona, la...
El Grupo Engel alcanza un acuerdo estratégico con el fabricante indio de inyectoras EPM
10/12/2024 - El Grupo Engel -representado en España por Roegele- ha firmado un acuerdo estratégico con Electronica Plastic Machines (EPM), un reconocido fabricante indio de máquinas de...
ENGEL Group strengthens Indian market presence
05/12/2024 - The ENGEL Group has entered a strategic partnership with Electronica Plastic Machines (EPM), an Indian manufacturer of hydraulic injection moulding machines. ...
Neotech Bridge breastfeeding device features silicone moulding technology from Silcotech
03/12/2024 - The new Neotech Bridge Breastfeeding Assistance Device is designed to help mothers worldwide with breastfeeding immediately after childbirth. The device features liquid...
Engel trova un partner in India
03/12/2024 - Acquisita una partecipazione in Electronica Plastic Machines per costruire presse nel subcontinente indiano. 3 dicembre 2024...
Riciclo chimico per i siliconi
18/11/2024 - Elkem ha avviato un'unità pilota per la depolimerizzazione di rifiuti siliconici a Saint-Fons, in Francia. 18 novembre 2024...
Distribution in Europe of elastomer, latex products from US compounder Polytek
28/10/2024 - Distribution in Europe of elastomer, latex products from US compounder Polytekâ?? By staff â?? Theatre masks are a field of application for latex products (Photo:...
TPE alleggeriti ora con riciclato
18/10/2024 - Kraiburg TPE propone i gradi additivati con microsfere cave di vetro anche nella versione con contenuto di riciclato compreso tra il 10% e il 60%. ...
Engel mejora la eficiencia en la inyección de LSR con la nueva e-victory 100
16/10/2024 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">151
A joint effort: ELMET, Momentive and Sumitomo (SHI) Demag at Fakuma 2024
15/10/2024 - ELMET, Momentive and Sumitomo (SHI) Demag joined forces in developing, producing and processing liquid silicone rubber (LSR). The end result of this collaboration is the Drip Guard spoon holder to...
ARBURGadditive exhibe dos máquinas para la fabricación aditiva industrial en Fakuma
15/10/2024 - En Fakuma 2024, que se celebra del 15 al 19 de octubre en Friedrichshafen (Alemania), Arburg (pabellón A3, stand 3101) exhibe dos máquinas para la fabricación aditiva...
NEW 500 Series Rubber/Silicone Extrusion Crosshead
07/10/2024 - Guill Series 500 crosshead with Mechanically Assisted Gum Space (MAGS) adjustmentGuill Tool introduces...