Reliable Expertise in PLA Production
It might seem counterintuitive, but temporarily halting production can actually boost efficiency and output in the long term.In 2024, TotalEnergies Corbion (TEC – Gorinchem, the Netherlands)...
Acme Mills Company unveils its Natura bio-based polylactic acid fabrics
20/01/2025 -
The material aims to replace the likes of petroleum-based nonwovens including PET, PP, and Nylon.
Emirates Biotech presenta innovaciones sostenibles en ArabPlast 2025
15/01/2025 -
Status and Outlook: Bio-based Polymers worldwide
13/01/2025 -
As the New Year begins, let’s take a closer look at the current state of bio-based polymers. We look at the rapidly growing production capacity, the major investments currently...
160,000 t/y PLA plant to be constructed in UAE / Facility leverages Sulzer Chemtech PLA technology / Plant operational in 2028
13/01/2025 -
160,000 t/y PLA plant to be constructed in UAE / Facility leverages Sulzer Chemtech PLA technology / Plant operational in 2028â By correspondent â Emirates...
La planta de PLA «más grande del mundo»
Emirates Biotech baut die weltgrösste Anlage für Polymilchsäure (PLA) – mit Sulzer-Technologie
18/12/2024 -
Die weltgrößte PLA-Produktionsanlage von Emirates Biotech in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten. © Emirates BiotechEmirates Biotech hat sich bei ihrer geplanten Produktionsanlage für...
Emirates Biotech Selected Sulzer Technology to Build World’s Largest Polylactic Acid Production Facility
18/12/2024 -
Upcoming Polylactic Acid (PLA) production plant in the United Arab Emirates © Emirates BiotechSulzer’s technology has been selected by Emirates Biotech for its upcoming Polylactic Acid...
Emirates Biotech Selects Sulzer technology to Build World’s Largest Polylactic Acid Production Facility
Emirates Biotech (Duabi, UAE) has selected Sulzer (Winterthur, Switzerland) as the technologyprovider for its upcoming Polylactic Acid (PLA) production plant in the United Arab Emirates. The...
Bio-Fed: Produkterweiterung im neuen Sortiment für biobasierte sowie biomassenbilanzierte Produkte
03/12/2024 -
Zugstäbe aus “M·Biobase PLA 035 WF30 nat” © Bio-FedEnde Juli dieses Jahres hat die Kölner Bio-Fed, Zweigniederlassung der Akro-Plastic GmbH, eine neue Produktlinie unter...
Nuevo avance en materiales biobasados: M·Biobase PLA 035 WF30 nat
02/12/2024 -
Futerro va avanti con il PLA in Francia
02/12/2024 -
Raccolti 12 milioni di euro per completare gli studi ingegneristici necessari per ottenere le autorizzazioni del nuovo impianto in Normandia. ...
PLA con fibra di legno
27/11/2024 -
Bio-Fed ha ampliato la serie M·Biobase con il nuovo compound M·Biobase PLA 035 WF30 nat al 95% biobased. 27 novembre 2024...
Enhancing compatibility and biodegradability of PLA/biomass composites
New torrefaction approach improves mechanical properties and decomposition rate of PLA composites.With an increasing focus on environmental sustainability, researchers are seeking ways to...
Enhancing compatibility and biodegradability of PLA/biomass composites via forest residue torrefaction
25/11/2024 -
New Torrefaction Approach Improves Mechanical Properties and Decomposition Rate of PLA Composites © Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT)With an increasing focus on...
Are biodegradable bioplastics meeting their promise?
21/11/2024 -
Bioplastics are gaining significant attention as sustainable alternatives to petrochemical-based plastics. Derived from renewable, biobased feedstocks, these materials are seen as a key...
Teijin Frontier Announces Global Availability of Biodegradable BIOFRONT® PLA Resin
18/11/2024 -
BIOFRONT® resin pellets © Teijin Frontier Co., LTD.Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd., today announced the global availability of its BIOFRONT® polylactic acid (PLA) resin, which biodegrades...
Bioplastiche per imballaggi conformi al PPWR
13/11/2024 -
Presentati a Rimini, durante Ecomondo, alcuni risultati del progetto di ricerca europeo Green-Loop. 13 novembre 2024 08:42 ...
ClickPlastics rundet das Bio Portfolio ab
05/11/2024 -
Neben den schon seit geraumer Zeit erfolgreich vertriebenen biologisch abbaubaren Polymeren PBAT und PBS des langjährigen Partners Hengli, stellt die ClickPlastics AG anlässlich der...
Responsabile marketing in CJ Biomaterials
05/11/2024 -
Il compito affidato a Leah Ford, proveniente da NatureWorks, sarà quello di aumentare la visibilità dell'azienda e supportarne la crescita nel settore delle bioplastiche. ...
ClickPlastics AG: Neu entwickelte Bio-Compounds als ABS Ersatz
31/10/2024 -
Auf der Fakuma 2024 wird die ClickPlastics AG Bio-Compounds vorstellen, welche ABS (Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol) in verschiedenen Anwendungen ersetzen können. Bio-Compounds bieten...