Composito a base di PHB e fibre di bambù
10/10/2024 -
Formulato in Italia da Mixcyling e Forever Bambù vanta tra le sue caratteristiche l'essere idrosolubile oltre che biodegradabile. ...
Paving the way to a circular economy of plastics
04/01/2024 -
There is a good reason why plastic pollution has become such a burning issue. More than 98 % of plastics are currently produced from non-renewable sources, and even those that are biobased...
Einer Kreislaufwirtschaft für Kunststoffe den Weg ebnen
04/01/2024 -
Die Umweltverschmutzung durch Kunststoffe ist aus gutem Grund zu einem so brennenden Thema geworden. Mehr als 98% der Kunststoffe werden derzeit aus nicht erneuerbaren Quellen hergestellt,...
CITROFOL® – Citrate Esters as bio-based plasticisers for biodegradable mulch films
Enhanced crop protection and moisture conservation as well as efficient use of soil nutrients have all contributed to the increased usage of mulch films over the last decade. Low-density...
Wie sich Bakterien für eine nachhaltige Kunststoffproduktion „zähmen“ lassen
24/08/2023 -
Viele Bakterien haben ein großes Potenzial für die Biotechnologie, zum Beispiel bei der Produktion von Biokunststoffen oder anderen industriell nutzbaren Materialien. Doch es ist oft...
IKT: Biokunststoffe aus Mikroalgen
22/03/2023 -
D-geformter PHB-Vliesstoff aus einem Meltblown-Prozess im Einsatz als Blumentopf (Bild: IKT).Durch die gezielte Produktion über Mikroalgen sowie eine maßgeschneiderte Modifikation soll...
La Universidad Metropolitana de Osaka consigue generar precursores de plástico biodegradable a partir de dióxido de carbono y luz, con rendimientos del 80 %
05/01/2023 -
Sintetizaron 3-hidroxibutirato, la materia prima del bioplástico PHB, a partir de acetona y dióxido de carbono. Se utiliza luz visible y dos biocatalizadores, y el rendimiento ronda el 80...
Producing bioplastics from industrial waste with the help of blue-green algae
14/11/2022 -
Under the direction of Alexander Zwirzitz, scientists from the Bio- and Environmental Technology programme at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (Wels, Austria) are...
Aus industriellen Abfällen mit Hilfe von Blaualgen nachhaltigen Biokunststoff herstellen
03/11/2022 -
Dr. Alexander Zwirzitz (li hinten) belegte mit seinem Forschungsteam den...
PHB da CO2 in Ohio
03/08/2022 -
Un nuovo impianto per bioplastiche è allo studio negli Stati Uniti, frutto di una joint-venture tra Newlight Technologies e Long Ridge Energy Terminal. ...
Newlight and Long Ridge Sign Agreement to Build Aircarbon Production Facility in Ohio
21/07/2022 -
Newlight Technologies, Inc. and Long Ridge Energy Terminal, which is jointly owned by a subsidiary of Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC and an affiliate managed by...
Methane goes from foe to feedstock for PHB production at new Ohio facility
15/07/2022 -
Newlight Technologies Inc. will use captured methane emissions to produce its Aircarbon bio-based material in a 15-year agreement with CNX Resources Corp. at a Hannibal, Ohio,...
Plant-based component could boost bacterial production of biodegradable plastic
Rajib Saha. Credit: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Given that less than 10 percent of synthetic plastics are recycled, the petroleum-derived, non-biodegradable materials...
Nike taps Newlight's AirCarbon PHB for future projects
26/08/2021 -
Newlight Technologies Inc., a California-based biotechnology company and manufacturer of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and sportswear giant Nike Inc. have entered into a partnership to explore the use...
Scientists Test Bioplastics’ Resistance Under Aggressive Environmental Factors
30/07/2021 -
RUDN University biologist studied the aggressive impact of environmental factors (water, salts, and ozone) on ultrathin nanofibers of biopolymers. The results will help choosing suitable...
Half-Life of Biodegradable Plastics in the Marine Environment Depends on Material, Habitat, and Climate Zone - Bio-based News -
31/05/2021 -
The performance of the biodegradable plastic materials polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), polybutylene sebacate (PBSe) and polybutylene sebacate co-terephthalate (PBSeT), and of polyethylene…Full...
Mit Bakterien aus Abfällen Kunststoff erzeugen - Bio-based News -
26/05/2021 -
Polyhydroxybuttersäure – kurz PHB – heißt der Kunststoff, den Forschende im Verbundprojekt PHABIO APP biotechnologisch produziert haben: Er wird mithilfe…Full text:
Using bacteria to produce plastic from waste - Bio-based News -
26/05/2021 -
Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is the plastic that researchers in the PHABIO APP joint project have produced biotechnologically: It is produced from animal…Full text:
Investigadores consiguen modificar bacterias para generar bioplástico en mayores cantidades
16/03/2021 -
Las cianobacterias (microalgas) tienen la capacidad de generar bioplásticos de forma natural. Por modificación genética se ha conseguido eliminar el “tope” de...
New Way to Make Biodegradable Bioplastics Using Sewage Sludge
16/12/2020 -
In a new study, Texas A&M University researchers have uncovered an efficient way to use leftover sludge to make
A Low-Cost, Sustainable Method for Producing Bioplastics from Sewage Sludge
15/12/2020 -
Written by AZoMDec 15 2020The United States generates seven million tons of sewage sludge annually, enough to fill 2,500 Olympic-sized swimming pools. While a portion of this waste is...