


UConn Researchers Partner with Bioplastics Company to Examine Biodegradable Plastics
06/02/2025 - Marine sciences Ph.D. candidate Hannah Collins and Larissa Tabb ’22 evaluate the lab tanks to check on degradation progress. (Contributed by Hannah Collins) Plastic pollution has...
DePoly and PTI collaborate to create closed loop recycled PET bottle
- DePoly (Sion, Switzerland) recently announced their collaboration with PTI (Plastic Technologies Inc – Holland, OH, USA) a leader in sustainable plastic packaging design and development, to create...
AIMPLAS inicia 14 proyectos para ofrecer soluciones más sostenibles en torno a los plástic...
- Mejorar la calidad del aire en zonas urbanas gracias a recubrimientos activos, desarrollar materiales y recubrimientos de altas prestaciones, seguros y sostenibles para la construcción y la...
Balance de las líneas de investigación en 2024, gracias al apoyo de IVACE+i
- Gracias a las ayudas del Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad e Innovación (IVACE+i) con fondos de la Generalitat Valenciana, AIMPLAS, Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico, ha potenciado...
Un proyecto desarrolla biofilms compostables y advanced char para el cultivo de champiñón ...
- GO CHAMPLAST es un proyecto de economía circular cuyo objetivo ha sido disminuir los residuos generados en el sector del champiñón y su posterior valorización para la mejora de la...
Botellas biobasadas y biodegradables para los laboratorios de control del agua potable
- El control de calidad de las aguas de consumo humano es un pilar importante en la salud de la población. Para este fin, los laboratorios de control de calidad realizan una labor importante de...
Sustainable Textiles – The Way Forward
03/02/2025 - Cellulose in plant cells, microscopic view of plant cell walls showing cellulose fibres, © Kraiwit – stock.adobe.comThe evolution of the demand for textile fibres from 1960 to the...
French recycling company to undergo restructuring / 40% cut in workforce
04/02/2025 - French recycling company to undergo restructuring / 40% cut in workforce— By staff — The financial difficulties facing the French specialist for biopolymers and recycling...
Construction progress on the new ethenolysis plant
- The initial milestone in the construction of the world’s first large-scale ethenolysis plant based on rapeseed oil methyl ester has been reached: the first distillation column has been...
Natural Grocers® Introduces House-Brand Organic Coffee Pods
30/01/2025 - The new coffee pods from Natural Grocers are Certified Organic and Certified Fair Trade, reflecting the company’s dedication to responsible and ethical practices while delivering rich, authentic...
Plastic Energy publishes new LCA
- New research has found recycling plastics, using Plastic Energy’s (London, UK) proprietary technology, currently saves up to 78 % CO2 eq. compared to incineration with energy recovery.These...
Go Champlast desarrolla film compostable y advanced char para cultivar champiñón
30/01/2025 - Go Champlast es un proyecto de economía circular diseñado para reducir los residuos generados en el sector del champiñón y aprovecharlos para mejorar la productividad en el...
Una bussola per la ripresa in Europa
30/01/2025 - Presentato dalla Commissione UE il piano Competitiveness Compass per recuperare la competitività perduta. Le reazioni dell'industria chimica e delle materie plastiche. ...
Press Statement: European Bioplastics welcomes the EU Competitive Compass as an enhancer of innovative bioplastics solutions
- Today, the Commission has presented the Competitiveness Compass, the first major initiative of this mandate providing a strategic and clear framework to steer the Commission’s...
Biodegradable nylon precursor produced through artificial photosynthesis
28/01/2025 - Producing precursor for a nylon-type biodegradable plastic –Artificial photosynthesis technology was developed with the addition of the biocatalyst L-alanine dehydrogenase, which combines...
New issue of Renewable Carbon Plastics available online!
- The new issue (01/2025) of Renewable Carbon Plastics (aka bioplastics MAGAZINE) is finished and currently being printed.The issue current issue has plenty to offer in terms of news and...
GO Champlast desarrolla biofilms compostables para el cultivo del champiñón
28/01/2025 - GO Champlast es un proyecto de economía circular cuyo objetivo ha sido disminuir los residuos generados en el sector del champiñón y su posterior valorización para la...
Amazon is trialling bio-based delivery bags in Spain whilst developing new technologies to recycle bio-based materials
24/01/2025 - © AmazonAmazon is starting to pack and deliver groceries for customers in Spain using bio-based bags made from vegetable materials produced in Europe, including corn starch and vegetable...