


POLYVANTIS showcases its product portfolio at BAU 2025
11/02/2025 - POLYVANTIS recently attended BAU 2025 in Germany, where it showcased its product portfolio. This includes EUROPLEX, LEXAN PC film and sheet and the new 20-year warranty for LEXAN THERMOCLEAR...
Passa di mano centro riciclo PA in Baviera
29/01/2025 - Polymer Solutions rileva l'impianto di Mocom a Erlenbach, in Baviera, dedicato al recupero di sfridi in poliammide. 29 gennaio...
Takeover of former Mocom recycling plant in Germany
28/01/2025 - Takeover of former Mocom recycling plant in GermanyManaging director Jà¶rn Bahr (l.) and Louis Krall, authorised signatory of Polymer Solutions and Krall Kunststoff-Recycling (Photo: Polymer...
Tecnopolimeri in granuli per la stampa 3D
17/01/2025 - Lehvoss lancia la nuova serie Luvoprint per componenti strutturali e stampi. Disponibili quattro gradi a base di PA6, PC/ABS e polisulfone. ...
Star Plastics Releases PFAS Free Compounds
13/01/2025 - Star Plastics®, an industry leading custom compounder of engineering-grade thermoplastics, has released new polycarbonate compounds that are free from per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance...
Polytives: The flow enhancers of the bFI product family
23/12/2024 - Originally developed on an acrylate basis, the flow enhancers of the bFI product...
Nuovo CCO tecnopolimeri in DOMO
18/12/2024 - Juha Jokinen è il nuovo responsabile commerciale a livello globale dei tecnopolimeri a base di poliammide del gruppo belga. 18...
Teknor Apex amplia accordo con Nexeo
04/12/2024 - Distribuiti nella regione EMEA, oltre a TPE e TPV, anche tecnopolimeri e leghe per applicazioni in elettronica, mobilità e industria. ...
Povi 10000 for the automatic punching and coining on display
14/06/2023 - From 7 to 23 June, at its headquarters in Fusignano (near Ravenna, Italy), Baruffaldi Plastic Technology is hosting the demonstration sessions of the Povi...
Indian group to rebuild polycarbonate plant locally after acquiring tech from Trinseo
21/11/2024 - Indian group to rebuild polycarbonate plant locally after acquiring tech from Trinseoâ?? By staff â?? The PC plant from Stade is being rebuilt in Dahej in India (Photo:...
BUILD-LIMONENE desarrolla materiales de construcción a partir de emisiones de CO2 y residu...
- El proyecto BUILD-LIMONENE ha desarrollado nuevos materiales de construcción sostenibles, biodegradables, más seguros y con mejor eficiencia energética como una alternativa real a los...
Plastics group still deep in the red / Sale of German plant, PC licences to Deepak Nitrite
18/11/2024 - Plastics group still deep in the red / Sale of German plant, PC licences to Deepak Nitriteâ?? By Marilyn Gerlach â?? Third quarter core profit at Trinseo (Berwyn, Pennsylvania;
Trinseo cede assets nel policarbonato a Deepak
14/11/2024 - Siglati accordi per la concessione di licenze e cessione degli impianti produttivi presenti nel sito di Stade, in Germania. 14...
Acquisition of majority stake in US compounder Piedmont
07/11/2024 - Acquisition of majority stake in US compounder Piedmontâ?? By staff â?? Hexpol is expanding its activities in the US with the acquisition of Piedmont (Photo: Piedmont...
Trinseo brevetta il riciclo per dissoluzione
07/11/2024 - L'ottenimento del brevetto apre le porte a collaborazioni industriali e alla concessione di licenze tecnologiche. 7 novembre 2024...
Recyclates incorporated into painted radiator grilles for two Audi models
17/10/2024 - Recyclates incorporated into painted radiator grilles for two Audi modelsâ?? By correspondent â?? An automotive programme to mass produce painted radiator grilles...
New Mitsubishi EDM machine drives new business at Bellcliffe Engineering
24/09/2024 - Machine tool manufacturer WFL is leveraging its extensive experience to offer advanced software solutions designed for its Millturn complete machining center. The company’s technology cycles cover...